Nevin blinked slowly, his eyes drifting between the boy, the scruffy looking fellow behind the counter, and his acquaintance who apparently was practicing to be a ninja before he lifted one hand up to rub the bridge of his nose, trying to dispelled the mild headache that was threatening to build up there.

Somehow, coming back here to make sure the Fae wasn't addicted had spiraled wildly out of control - and he had caught the flash of irritation and the roll of the eyes as Sketch spoke, and he decided to head that off at the pass before anything got worse because of it. He cleared his throat, shaking his head.

"That was not and indeed is not my issue. While yes, I would prefer I was not the target, thievery is as much a profession as many others. I raised an objection for one reason alone - I made the potion and I do not like seeing my wares misrepresented. Whole I don't have 'Unicorn Blood' I do have potions that are meant for vitality and vigor - if this was one of those, I would have gone along with the ruse. Now then - where shall we go to obtain food?" He had seen the way Fenn's eyes lit up at the offer of free food, and even if Sketch reneged on that, he felt he should treat the Fae, as he had cost the boy a sale.

He also wasn't about to give away the truth about the 'boy' and his age. And Fenn didn't seem to mind being mistaken for a child, or a human child at that. So in that regard, he would let sleeping direwolves lie.