The Overlord lead Nosdyn to the entrance of the cave.

"Remember my words today, Nosdyn. We shall meet again when the time is right." He said calmly and bowed in a surprisingly elegant sort of way. "When we meet again, our time will come." The Overlord began to walk back slowly into the cave.

Nosdyn nodded. "Thaynespeed." He said. And slowly began the journey back towards Stonevale.


"You're alone, what happened to the others?" William Blake asked.

Nosdyn shrugged. "They were killed."

"...How?" He asked incredulously. "Speak, Nosdyn. There is something you are not telling me." William Blake walked in close towards Nosdyn.

"...There were many Goblins. What did you expect in sending one small squadron into the mountains like that? Did you really expect us to defeat them like that? Did you really think any of us would come back alive?" Nosdyn asked.

William Blake blinked as Nosdyn said that last part. He was taken aback. "...You'll have your pay in the morning." William Blake said and bowed gently. He knows...we were trying to screw him over. This was a bad idea from the get go. William thought as he walked away.

Nosdyn turned away and began to prepare. It would soon be time to leave Stonevale...but there was one more loose end he needed to take care of. The loose end was his enemy, Jake. He was certain if he made his presence known to Stonevale...Jake would come a second time. Nosdyn would be ready for their second meeting...