At this point, Nevin wouldn't have been surprised by anyone showing up - his little camp had become quite the hotspot for activity. Though he had to admit, he was astonished to see Rainee show up - and see that she was actually without Mylie. The two feline females had seemed inseparable, Rainee had definitely come across as doting on her daughter when he had spent time with them. So to see her wandering this desolate place without her daughter was... reassuring? Yes. The woman was a healer, even if Nevin didn't know exactly how she worked, and having someone else who could heal without resorting to the rather... disagreeable methods he would have to was probably a good thing. Now then. Nevin straightened his armor that had been knocked askew by Hyperion's hug, and stood up straighter. Joshua Cronin had disappeared in the kerfluffle of arrivals - he'd likely seen something in the castle that he did not plan on dealing with. A shame, having the fore-knowledge might have been quite useful.

Then he processed what Stare and Ezra were talking about, and Nevin turned crimson as the blood flowed to his head in a rather impressive blush. He shook his head and stammered out a reply to that before it went any further. "S-Stare! Miss Ezra! I do not have a wife, nor a harem! I told you before young lady, that I have been celibate for several years now! Do not drag poor Miss Rainee into those disgusting rumors! I have heard enough of those from the villagers - I am not a pirate nor some kind of wizard harem king!" He coughed and shot a glare at Sketch - the other man here was studiously ignoring him, and Nevin got the impression he was trying to push him towards one of the women. This was an inacceptable situation - so Nevin had begun to head towards one of the people here who had greeted him that there weren't currently a pile of rumors about - Madison. His fellow Alchemist was the safest option -

If only Rainee hadn't gone that direction after blushing and explaining that she'd been on a catnip high and overly curious. Bother. Sketch and Ezra were now talking, and Hyperion and Stare were talking while Rainee sniffed and circled around Madison. Nevin sighed and shook his head with a twist to his lips. Well, at least his friends were getting along with each other, which was a relief. He bowed to the pair of non-human women, waving slightly to Madison, before turning to face towards the Castle.

It was an imposing edifice, even now, ruined as it was. The rest of this landscape had borne no signs of structures that had survived the demonic assault, only this castle remained. A testament to the owner's dedication to the building perhaps? In any case. They had quite the collection of individuals now - so he felt it was time. He moved swiftly, taking advantage of the time the others were talking to pack up his supplies, then with a smile to the people who looked his way, he slipped away, heading down the path towards the Castle. He knew the others would follow when they were ready.