Leila froze, her breath hitched in her chest. She looked at Breaker her eyes wide with fear. “Little Tiger,” the Prince smiled when he looked at her.

“Ranja,” she forced his name from her lips as she held her mother tightly.

“What a sweet reunion, though I don’t know you.” His attention turned to the succubus’ lover.

“You don’t need to know him,” Leila snapped before Breaker could say anything. Ranja took a step closer to her and she stumbled back. The only thing having stopped her was Breaker wrapped a large arm around her waist to steady her. Ranja’s gaze darted down to Breaker’s at still firmly around her waist.

“What is this, Leila?” He spat at her with disgust.

She shrunk back slightly, she was trembling slightly as much as she tried not to allow Ranja to effect her everything that he had done to her while she was captive here came back. “Speak, have you lost your tongue?” He snapped at her.

“Enough,” Simone glared at the Prince as she stepped in front of her daughter as if to shield her from Ranja.

“This is on you Simone, had you not try to rebel all those years ago I would have married your daughter as planned.” Leila choked after he dropped that little surprise.

“Oh of course Mommy dearest didn’t tell you, you were promised to me even before you are born. You were- no are mine to do whatever I damn well please with.” He stalked forward.

Breaker stepped in front of the two woman now. “That is enough, she is not yours and you don’t own anything.” His deep voice filled the cell bouncing off the walls.

The Prince sized him up, his gaze ran up and down the prized fighter. They were evenly the same size in height but Breaker seemed to have more muscle on him.

“Oh but what you seem to forget boy, is I do control her.” He pulled out a small necklace that held an orb of light. He grinned wickedly before speaking into it. It was like some type of spell was cast on Leila as she started to move toward him.

“Leila stop,” Breaker and her mother both called after her.

Silent tears slipped down her face as she willed herself to speak but nothing happened. “And don’t worry we will take care of the little bastard in your gut too, can’t have another man’s seed cooking inside of you.”

She was at his side now as he wrapped his arms around her and started to drain her. Quickly she dropped into his arms as he picked her up bridal style. He briskly turned on his heels calling over his shoulder to the guards. “Finish those two while I deal with her,” making his way down the hall out of their sight.