"I will be entirely honest with you, Stare. It was much more than I was expecting that you would share with me. So thank you."

Ezra turned to face the kenku after setting the kettle down once more. Fresh tea was brewed and poured, and the conversation continued. The information provided was intriguing, to be certain, but some things were so odd. Despite being avian, they lactated like mammals? Did the kenku breastfeed like the other races, or did they just bottle the milk in some fashion? Did their diet consist of insects or did they eat the same meals as humans? So many possibilities, but how far was too far diving into their inquiries? Would asking about their lactations and similarity to non-humanoid corvids too inappropriate for how little time they had known one another.

"Nevin's interest in me is purely academic in nature." Ezra started, adjusting their posture to sit up straight. They had begun to slouch as they spoke with Stare and apparently sitting up fully with a straightened back showed interest and proper poise was much healthier than slouching. Or so they've been told. "I was in need of an alchemist as I needed a start to figure out how my body was composed. I recognized a few of the symbols on my chest as being alchemic in nature, but I unfortunately no longer have the full expertise that Ezoreth did so I had to find someone who had the understanding..."

A pause, then Ezra let out a small sigh and leaned forward again to look at Stare directly. They seemed to have trailed off and began to speak once more with much more firmness in their tone. "Of course, I did not so much ask for his assistance than began disrobing to show him the runes and sigils on my back and shoulders." Their lips seemed to curve in a small smile, but quickly vanished as soon as it had appeared. "I was, and still am, rather unaware of the proper social cues. I do not see myself as a human; so to show my body was not something I viewed as lewd, but as one might view a golem. Alas, he disagreed. Proceeded to fluster red in embarrassment but was rather curious about my creation and agreed to assist me. He offered to teach me alchemy and I offered him my body for research. He gains knowledge in the arts of alchemic transmutation, and I learn more of my creation and possibly a solution to the missing memories. It is a mutually beneficial agreement."

They looked down into their tea cup and let out a low, frustrated exhale.

"Although I cannot define our relationship beyond the professional aspect, I would like to believe that he and I are friends. However, I am unsure of how people tell that their relationship has moved passed acquaintances. You stated, Stare, that we have a friend in common in the alchemist. But does that make us friends? Could we become friends?"