Take her outside and do it. I can do without the distraction of seeing a room of souls just now.

She paused. You don't have to look into my head.

You should know by now I am there most of the time. It has unfortunately become a habit, and I find I can multitask, he picked up his goblet to his lips and took a slow sip.

How on earth do you suppose I get her outside on her own? Stare asked, bemused.

He used his many ringed finger to tear of a chunk of bread and push it into his mouth with all the ceremony of a king. If she is this desperate you can leave and she will find an excuse to leave. She is trusted beyond anything with Tinash. Hence being unbound and he only had one guard with him. Then we can know what she wants.

You mean I can, Stare smiled slightly.

Don't try to be funny. I said what I mean.

With that he twisted his head around sightly and looked at her. For the first time since he had entered the room their eyes met. The flash of ice blue bore into her and she found herself stunned for a moment before she ducked her head and looked away. Her heart racing she looked once over to Pride and waited until the girl could see her. Then the kenku meaningfully looked away before obviously turning … and heading out of the door.

She didn't even glance to Zulon, but stepped all the way out. Huffing she stepped through the short corridor and into the round hall that acted as a sort of crossroads for the long path that made up the Hollow. Stare checked and found Vitruvion's half aware presence in her mind. Pausing for a moment she did a short walk and found nobody there asides from her own self. Yes, there would be guards further up the white corridor towards the door but that was all.

Perhaps Pride would not be allowed out, despite Vitruvion's suggestion she was trusted.

A creak from behind her made the very idea tumble from her mind. Pride was already quietly coming out, her deep auburn hair framing her fine features. Stare had never really looked at Pride before but now, in this more open light than that in the council chamber, she could see that her skin had a slightly shimmering tone to it, like the sheen on pearls.

“Hi …” Stare said slowly, her hand closing over the hilt of her dagger just in case.

Pride blinked a few times before picking her way over the cobbles, coming anxiously closer. Stare noticed that she wore no shoes and was dressed in a thin dress. In fact she was moderately shivering, and the kenku felt a stab of guilt over having taken her from a room with so many warm bodies to help generate heat.

“I don't have much time,” Pride said quickly. “I used the excuse of needing to use the facilities, and so …”