About an hour after the sickness, Felicity finally recovered. She gave the bucket a hardcore cleaning before cleaning the rest of the shop.

She cleaned everything. She polished the wood, swept and mopped the wood the carpet did not reach, and took care of the glass vial the drunk guy dropped. To her dismay, some of the potion had splashed onto the royal blue carpet. This meant she would have to scrub. So she got out the soapy pale and...




[A bunch of boring descriptions added for the sake of a higher word count later:]

Fully dressed in cleaning gear, Felicity put the ceiling duster to her side, holding it like a proud soldier who fought and won their biggest battle. Against bacteria and grime.

The place was spotless! Beautiful! Incredible! This was probably the cleanest this store ever was...

... then-

A group of muddied, yuck children raced into the shop. They left mud, literally black in the filth meshed with manure and compost, all over the floor.

Felicity dropped the broom, mouth gaped open.

One of the children, with a colony of flies clinging to him, looked up to her, "We need your finest bottle of Mooseroot, lady!"

"Uh. The left shelf, third shelf. Alphabetical order."

Another kid tossed some coin, candy coated in grime, on the counter.

Then they took the salvent and left.
