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    Valino Darashan III

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    Valino had made it about half way towards the door when the shopkeeper, who he would soon learn was named Nevin, beckoned him to stay. The former paladin hesitated for but a second, unsure of how to respond, before deciding to take Nevin up on his offer to stay. With both men having vented their mutual frustration with the affairs of the church, the atmosphere within that warm, aromatic medicine shop had become considerably more inviting. Besides it was not like Valino to ignore the advice of a doctor.

    The young wanderer walked back over to the counter and took a seat in the chair that had been provided for him by the red haired shopkeeper. A moment later, when that same shopkeeper offered him a cup tea, Valino smiled. The former paladin took a long, slow whiff of the fragrant tea. He appreciated the not unpleasant burn of that the warm, yet earth spices provided. The beverage was strong but not to strong. As the young man brought it to his lips and let a bit of the beverage cool itself upon his tongue he noticed it had a slightly sweet after taste. He swallowed slowly so as to allow it to trickle down his throat as opposed to simply letting it rush its way to his stomach. The pleasant burning sensation followed it all the way down.

    “Angelica, Nettle Seed, Northern Sweet Grass and just a pinch of Cinnamon” said the young Salvaran in his best attempt to guess what was in the tea.

    “Valino Darashan, third of my name,” he continued with a slightly more formal tone. “I apologize for my outburst earlier but it felt good to speak of those things out loud. I'm sure you've seen what can happen when one says such things in the wrong parts of Salvar. Not even the paladins are safe.”

    Valino took another slow sip of the tea as he listened closely to what Nevin had to say about the church. When the medicine man mentioned his surprised that a paladin of all people could see the corruption all Valino could do was chuckle.

    “It's funny. I think I only saw the corruption because of my faith.”

    To prove a point the young man pulled out an old, leather bound but well weathered copy of the The Book of the Sway, a book that many believed had been written by the Ethereal Sway themselves. Those who heeded it's words were to shown the path that would take them to paradise. The former Paladin placed it on the counter.

    “My father made me read this book every night for as long as I can remember. He would beat me if I didn't. Nobody who truly believes what is written in here can possibly do the things the church as done.”

    Then Valino grew silent for a second. The young man looked down at the ground with a look of worry on his face before he looked back up at Nevin.

    “But to answer your question I...” he sighed “...I don't know,” he answered. “The Sway told me that I should leave Salvar and see the world but they did not say where to go nor what to do when I get there. I think they want me to figure that part out on my own.”

    He suddenly smiled in an attempt to lighten the mood and prevent things from becoming overly dour.

    “I guess for now I'll keep wandering the world until I do.”
    Last edited by The Preacher; 12-14-2017 at 11:20 PM.

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