So...only one letter exists...written by his hands. I'll make a careful consideration of that...but most important...

The silent forest disturbed the old man more than anything else. It was quiet...dreadfully quiet and soon the sounds of combat would fill the air. Lorenor narrowed his glowing blue eyes as he observed Shinsou very carefully. He's not one for words...pity... Lorenor thought to himself. He noticed that the ground was freezing at the very boots of Shinsou's steps. Ice that kid. Fenn... Lorenor steadied himself at that point as Shinsou covered the distance between the two of them.

The primary attack came in quickly...would have been lethal.

But Lorenor was prepared. He was observing Shinsou the entire time. He jumped backwards and looked at the slash, trailing power, as it missed it's due mark. It was pure instinct, Lorenor was not fast...but he was acting to survive. That was close.... As he landed in the jump backwards, he continued the instinctive movements. His eyes were primed on Shinsou, as the man continued his attack with the ice maneuver that came following up. Damn...he thinks this is going to be easy... The secondary attack also missed because of Lorenor's blind leap backwards.

Ice froze the air around it, touched with arcane power. Lorenor crouched low, but he hesitated. He wasn't sure why he was hesitating...only that he was. The Holy Light, normally communing with him...was also dreadfully silent. He was alone. This is going to take a lot more careful planning... As Lorenor stood there, having narrowly avoided Shinsou's primary attack...he began to summon his own power. He could feel The Holy Light's power swelling through him. His hands began to glow as they held the majestic sword aloft.

But he was merely summoning his power...he did not act just yet. He was an old Paladin and would work to make his opponent take on the offensive. Let him make the mistake. William Arcus was also impatient...but this time...I'm the one who has something to prove... His eyes remained narrowed as he studied his opponent.

The game had begun.