Time passed.

As the message was sent to Nosdyn, he received it in exact coinciding with her position in Radiance.

Nosdyn was sitting in his room and felt the warmth of the glowing gem he'd earned from Stare and Vitruvion. Stare... Nosdyn thought to himself. He saw the gem glowing in it's pouch and he walked up towards it, carefully removing it from the pouch. He'd been alone and had isolated himself from his meeting with the tribunal. They've grounded me...I'm a fucking soldier. I belong on the field. He was frustrated to say the least with his current situation.

As he picked up the glowing gem in his hand, the object felt very warm to the touch. Almost hot. He looked down into the stone's depths and could almost see Stare deep within the fog of the stone. He sighed as he saw her. His eyes narrowed as he received the message. "Help...you will have it." Nosdyn promised out loud in response to Stare's pleas. As he looked at her one last moment, he gathered his belongings and got dressed...

It was very late that night.

Roughly the third hour, standard Althanian time, in the late hours of the night. Thirty three minutes had passed into the hour.

Nosdyn gathered his weapon but instinct took over at that point. Something is wrong... Nosdyn narrowed his eyes at that point. He smelled smoke in the estate of his family...the house that he'd been granted. Granted for blind obedience to a system that no longer needed men like he. Nosdyn stepped calmly out into the hallway. His supposed servants, were wearing robes with marks he'd never seen before. He could only guess what was happening. [i]They would betray me too. Despite everything I've done for them...bastards...[/b] Nosdyn thought to himself.

"Come quietly son of Krotar." One of the demons said to Nosdyn as he stepped out into the hallway.

Stare...I would have died for you. He thought to himself. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes calmly as he looked around there were five immediately in front of him. "So this is how it ends?" Nosdyn asked, he had to know.

"It was the tribunal...they set this up. Please don't make this any hard than it already is." The demon extended her hand towards Nosdyn. "Come with me and this will be over with quickly." She pleaded.

Nosdyn looked at the woman and her cohorts..."Like HELL!" In a moment, he activated his weapon and struck her down quickly. The four others were already upon him...



"Aeldrycht....what the fuck is taking so long?" An impatient demon asked his master.

"His fate has already been sealed. The tribunal has spoken." Aeldrycht said calmly. He looked at Nosdyn's house...much of it was already ablaze. "You're right though...this is taking far too long."

"Could he have escaped?" The servant asked.

"Not likely, but I have the spell ready for him. He has been ordered exiled by the tribunal." The sorcerer named Aeldrycht said carefully. "The tribunal's word is prime." A few moments later, he saw Nosdyn fighting his way out of the burning building after having killed several people. "Oh for fuck's sake, must I do everything MYSELF!?" Aeldrycht said angrily. He observed and locked eyes with Nosdyn for a moment or two, already beginning the process for the spell in his arsenal. Nosdyn was howling like a madman as he cut down anyone that got in his way.

At that exact point...time slowed down.

Aeldrycht had no choice and released the spell in question...


Radiance...an hour later.

Nosdyn growled in agony as he was fighting one moment and teleported relatively near to Stare's position.

His body burned with pain and fire, the spell forced him to travel from one point to the next.

Nearly outside of the boarders of the Tular Plains.

Nosdyn howled in agony as several Radiance towns people stared at the portal in shock. The portal quickly vanished and spat Nosdyn out and onto the ground. Nosdyn clutched at his weapon and at the ground. The blade still shining brightly as he held the long-haft of the weapon's grip. Nosdyn opened his eyes after the sudden spell had been cast on him. He growled once more in agony and then pulled himself together thanks to his heightened endurance. He stood up after a long moment passed and shut his weapon down. He looked at the town's folks of Radiance, a down-trodden lot. Weather-beaten and broken...sad state of affairs. Nosdyn looked at the various buildings around him, his mind still focusing from the horrendous ability cast upon him. "F-fuck you too." Nosdyn cursed as he looked back in the direction of the depths of the Tular Plains. He spit out some blood after a moment and looked at the nearest of the town's folk. "I need water." Nosdyn said with about as much calmness as he could manage at that point.

One of the servants walked over towards Nosdyn. "Follow me to the tavern. There are people there who can...help you."

Nosdyn was too tired to argue. The teleport spell had ripped him from himself and he'd been cheated out of a victory once more. He looked back towards the direction of his birth city. "Aeldrycht. One day I'll come back for you." Nosdyn looked at the servant before him and followed her...with her familiar blue hair into the tavern. Nosdyn's entire body hurt.