Quote Originally Posted by Storm Veritas View Post
Is it safe to presume that Heroes that are used CANNOT be used by separate teams in this tournament, and precedence is awarded to the writer?

In Shin's case, we misunderstood this for a team effort at first. He's capable of writing my character effectively, but since I will be writing Storm for my army, it stands to reason that another character can't use him. After all, having one army with the same hero as another army would make for some stupid story conflict.

TL:, DR no doubles and make sure you get permission before using an Althanas original character as a hero?
Correct. No duplicates. It can stand to have some writing liberties for on-field alliances. For example, Shin's army pays a large gold sum to The Crimson Hand to help in his fight against Phi. In the next round Storm pays The Crimson Hand to assist in the fight against Shin. In that example, it's an NPC group not claimed by any one approved army.

In short, the owner of the character obviously gets precedence over their own character. You will need permission from original writer to use their character as a hero in your own army. If someone is using a character without permission and I am requested to do something about it, I will ban usage of that hero from tournament threads or the participant will forfeit their place in the tournament without refund.