Distinct nausea rose in my throat; a feeling like I had been without fresh blood for a week at the least. Such it was being half an uniano - similar to a vampire - and the life that I lived. A feeling of vomit came first, followed by a weariness and lack of energy, and then light headedness. Eventually, I would fall unconscious and not awaken again until my half divinity surged through my body and woke it up, though in a very weak and feeble form.

Deeply, hummed out the last few words of the strange spell, willing away my safety for the duration of this adventure. I had recited them standing, ignoring the suggestion by Benjamin to be drafted, and felt myself shoved forwards, with a ghostly blow thrusting into my solar plexus from harshly behind. As I doubled over, however, I felt my form twist painfully. Muscles began to suddenly, without warning, expand, and organs swelled. Throwing my head back I felt extreme discomfort thrum through my system, stressing and reshaping my body.

It was not something I was not alien to. However, changing my form was something I always had power of - the flow from my pale, pink eyed humanoid to the glorious, fast spirited Unicorn - I had always controlled that myself. This time, though, there had been neither thought nor will. As I felt myself change I tried to focus my mind upon uniano, wishing myself into human form. But there was no response. Instead, I was forced to endure the steady burning as my heart at least doubled in size, and my bones broke and then reformed. As I fell forward my arms became forelegs, my fingers and toes rescinding to become one single point, ending with a hoof. My neck stretched, my face enlonged and I found myself closing my eyes as I found I could not fight it. As long eyelashes brushed against my lids I furiously tried to tell my mind with more force but there was nothing I could do. I had no choice.

I was becoming ...

Unicorn. She sighed, out before her time, before we had agreed she would ride. Tilting her head up to the sky she hummed out, a force of power and extended her neck fully to -

She paused. I, in the back of her mind, paused. There was something very wrong. We caught her breath together, as we found her neck to suddenly be far further than she or I had ever remembered. And the mane - she could feel it stroking against her neck, shorter though at least by three inches. Had someone cut her mane when she had not realised? Her tail also was cropped, so that when she swished it it barely tickled her back knees. Holy ...

She blinked her eyes open and together we stared out.

And found that she was in a dark, horrid cavern, the rocky walls thick with salty residue. Before her was a man sitting cross-legged on the ground, and then to the side two ugly creatures. One was a twist of a clawed, wolf-like beast, and the other a walking, black corpse whose veins were a hot red and eyes a dim fire. Unicorn immediately began to retreat, hissing at that and their backdrop - an eerie sludge of a curtained wall. All horror, all disgusting, she shrieked out a horse's scream as she swung her head down to point horn forwards and -

Stopped. Still. Her hooves, her legs ... They were not white tinged with that pale pink. Nay instead, they were black, jet black with an accent of shivering silver-grey. Quickly she gasped, whipping up her head and I swam to sieze to hold onto the earring that allowed me ability to contact those around us whilst Unicorn was in form.

But as I did, as my thoughts formed words, I found Unicorn's lips move. Our lips. With jagged fangs for teeth that I could feel with the long, rough tongue. As we spoke.

"What the hell have you done to us?!" we screeched.