
Arden Janelle – as current profile.

Leopold Winchester - as current profile.

Knight Commander Hanzou – Level 9.
Only one hero, preferably the one assigned to the account, may play as their profile level/abilities.

All others, despite being player characters, must conform to the level 9 cap and three ability cap. These can be profile abilities or Gisela abilities made specifically for the tournament.

1000 Knight-Errant. Armed with half-plate and open helmets, the Knight-Errant fight with spear and longsword, which is often a mix of iron and steel and heirlooms passed down from military parents. They only wear insignia on their breastplate, earning their full uniform after serving for two seasons (two years). Whilst not as skilled as the Royal Guard or Navy, a Knight-Errant is still well-purposed with his or her weapons and is unwavering in conflict.


Standing Military. The Knight-Errant come from all walks of life, and offer experience and proficiency in many disciplines, such as cooking, hunting, merchant pursuits, tailoring, diplomacy, blacksmithing, and professions which ensure a city can sustain itself. Forces supported by the Knight-Errant are considered to have access to such understanding as a level 3 character.
So let me get this correct. This ability grants the army "skills" as in non-ability related IC fluff? That's exceptionally interesting and a smart tactical choice. So long as i understand that correctly, this is approved.

The Swan Navy

The Royal Navy of Scara Brae has ten ships. These allow the Knights of Brae to patrol the waters around their home and to move their numbers between the five duchies without the ardent journey across the open plains. The Flagship and three warships are the only militarised aspect, with five cargo galleys and a specialised scout ship making up the rest of the fleet.

The Liliana. A warship newly commissioned by the Queen to mourn the death of her sister. Three masted and the size of a standard naval galleon, the low decked ship sacrifices some of it’s offensive potential to have a swifter turn and head speed. It is typically manned by the Royal Guard and some of the finest (if roughest) crew available. It has two ballistae at prow and keel, and three heavy cannons along each side but these require great effort to utilise and the crew prefer to take evasive action or boarding actions over engaging typically heavier ships.

Three Warships. The same length but twice as bulky as the Liliana, the three warships boast four cannons along each flank and serve as firing platforms to protect the troop transports and the Liliana. Each has a crew of a hundred men, but none has cargo space for military units.

Five Cargo Ships. These ships can carry two hundred men a piece, but have no weapons save for those carried by it’s occupants. Each has two masted sails and oars should the need arise.

The Marling. A small, elite vessel able to hold thirty crew and ten passengers, the Marling’s primary purpose is reconnaissance and infiltration. Able to achieve speeds of twenty knots in good wind, it has a low deck and transparent sails to minimise its visibility on the horizon. For engagement, it is often how commanders and heroes travel to where they are needed most. It cannot evade magical or extra sensory perception.
Ships and airships were not permitted in this Gisela due to the difficulty in assessing their worth to an army. Ships may be used as a transit system but not naval combat or to siege land. I do apologize for this, but I will permit the ships of their combat capabilities are stripped.

The White Hand

Experts at subterfuge and master assassins, the members of the White Hand work from within the enemy ranks. Whilst only a few in number, Arden has brought to the fore the ten most trusted and loyal of the Royal Household’s retainers. They do not operate on the field strictly speaking, but can use the following abilities once per encounter.

Cut Supply Lines: For the remainder of the encounter, up to 2000 enemy troops fight without food and water. Decreases morale and ability to regroup after being routed.

Sow Disloyalty: For three opponent posts, one selected unit up to 2000 in number cannot participate in the battle as morale and rumours turn the men and the officers must get their ranks in order.

Intercept Communications: For three opponent posts, commands are mislaid and misheard as runners turn up dead and telepaths are interfered with. This will not prevent communication entirely, but may turn the tide of battle.
I don't see a unit count here and am not sure what these abilities apply to.