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Thread: The Army of War

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  1. #1

    EXP: 87,404, Level: 12
    Level completed: 81%, EXP required for next Level: 2,596
    Level completed: 81%,
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    Lye's Avatar


    Lichensith Ulroke
    Forge Demons - Large 500 (1,500 units)
    Massive creatures bound with the spirits of fire and steel, forge demons are eight-foot tall monstrosities. Their skin is blackened steel and yet their eyes and mouths glow with the red-orange fires of a blazing forge. Each demon has one hand like a massive forge hammer and another of clamping blades. Perhaps most fearsome of all is their seeming ability to control metal. They are split between the two units of fanatics and march among the front ranks of the groups.

    Equipment: Steel heavy armor, steel hammer hand, steel scything talons.
    Ability: Forge Metal - Forge demons can command steel to make it better for shaping. Metal targets they focus on become red-hot
    Smart. How many times can this be used and how long for it to hit peak temp. IE, how long do soldiers have to scramble out of their death trap before being cooked to a nice 165 degree internal temperature? Bon appetit!

    Crusher Juggernauts - Large 100 (300 units)
    The Cult has fashioned 100 heavily armored siege engines that resemble thick timber boxes with smoothed tree trunks used as crushing rollers at the front. The rollers and frame have had thick steel plates bolted to them. A pair of work beasts are tied within to provide locomotion for the war engines. These are split between the two groups of fanatics and roll in front of them. Even the most suicidally bloodthirsty fanatic doesn't want to be in front of one of these when it gets moving.

    Equipment: Thick timber frame with a steel shell, crushing steel and timber roller.
    Ability: Up To Speed - These juggernauts are slow to start moving but once they get moving they are damned near impossible to stop. They are counted as having enhanced strength to represent their momentum.
    To confirm, their only ability is "increased strength" or horsepower, or whatever, but because of that and their size, their momentum is nearly impossible to counter? Correct?

    Hounds of War - 1,800 (1,400 units)
    The titular hounds are massive beasts that have been bred to be the size of a small horse and utterly vicious. They have the speed to run down heavy cavalry and have both the ability and the training to take down an armored knight off horseback. They wear light ringed barding.

    Equipment: Pelt and steel ringmail barding.
    Ability: Enhanced Strength - These massive hounds have been bred to be large and strong. They possess 3x strength.
    Ability is fine, but the count is off. Take a look at that.

    Hound Masters - 200 (600 units)
    Light cavalry trained to direct the hounds of war. They light their specially trained horses from within the swarm of the hounds and direct them with their lashing whips and specialized calling horns.

    Equipment: Pelt and steel ringmail, pelt and steel ringmail barding for the horses, pelt whips, carapace calling horns.
    Ability: Entangle - Specially trained, the hound masters can use their whips to disarm or dismount foes.
    So long as it's not an auto-hit, this ability is approved.

    Left Hand of War - The Siegebreaker
    The Siegebreaker is an eight-foot tall demonic entity, looking like an overly muscular cross between an aurochs, a grizzly bear, and a mountain gorilla. Though the creature's armored hide is bulging with corded muscle it is nevertheless quite agile. It primarily lopes across the battlefield on all fours, but can stand and fight upright when in the thick of battle. The Siegebreaker sports a massive pair of crushing rams horns as well as two long, spearing tusks on it's broad head and the ends of it's arms terminate in long, curved claws that look like they were formed for gouging and scooping solid stone.

    Equipment: Horns, tusks, and claws that are as hard as delyn.

    Ability: Siege Beast - The Siegebreaker was bred and formed to break through solid stone walls when called upon to do so. As a result, the creature possesses almost unparalleled strength (8x).

    Ability: Juggernaut - Though it wears no armor to speak of, the Siegebreaker's constitution is great enough that it can shrug off all but the most devastating of wounds. It possesses extreme toughness and endurance (5x).

    Ability: Shockwave - By rearing up and slamming both it's massive curved claws into the ground at once, the Siegebreaker can send a powerful shockwave coursing out in an arc in front of it. The effect is akin to a short burst earthquake upheaval that extends twenty feet in front of it. The Siegebreaker needs new ground each time it does this as the effect loosens the earth too much for another shockwave to do anything of use..
    I'll need clarity on endurance. Can it soak up more damage than a normal person or simply handle vigorous activity for extended periods of time? IE. Use its incredible strengths consistently without fail?

    How many times can it Shockwave?

    Right Hand of War - Kharas, Warlord of Blood
    Kharas is a fearsome vampiric foe, clad head to toe in spiked delyn platemail and wielding two large, ornate delyn broad axes. His nickname, the Warlord of Blood, comes from the fact that the blood of his dismembered foes flows from their corpses up and inside his armor where he absorbs it to gain extra strength. His power, thus, is greatest when he is in the thick of the slaughter.

    Equipment: Spiked Delyn Full Plate, 2x Large Delyn Broad Axes

    Ability: Blood is Power - Kharas is able to absorb the blood of those that have fallen around him in battle. Friend or foe, it matters not. The blood flows from the wounds of the bodies around him and into his armor where he absorbs it to gain strength. When so surrounded by blood, Kharas heals wounds at an accelerated rate and becomes stronger and tougher (2x) than normal.

    Ability: Fearsome Aura - Not only does Kharas' ruthlessness and ferocity strike fear into the hearts of his opponents, but a supernatural aura of menace surrounds the Warlord of Blood. The mere sight of him can cause fear in mundane troops and when he is near even stalwart opponents find themselves overcome with supernatural terror.

    Ability: Vampiric Demon - Kharas is an inhuman monster and his body is thus several times (3x) tougher and stronger than a normal human's.
    Blood is power - C-c-c-combo ability! Which one do you want to keep, twice as strong or twice as durable?

    Fearsome Aura - An auto hit ability but more of a status down than anything. I'm going to need a duration and effective radius on this. Depending on radius, I may be able to be persuaded to have a permanent aura. Say, for melee combatants within 5 meters?

  2. #2
    Senior Member

    EXP: 113,151, Level: 14
    Level completed: 62%, EXP required for next Level: 5,849
    Level completed: 62%,
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    Revenant's Avatar


    William Arcus

    View Profile
    Quote Originally Posted by Lye View Post
    How many times can this be used and how long for it to hit peak temp. IE, how long do soldiers have to scramble out of their death trap before being cooked to a nice 165 degree internal temperature?
    Edited to give one post of increasing discomfort as the metal heats. After that it is at full temperatures.

    To confirm, their only ability is "increased strength" or horsepower, or whatever, but because of that and their size, their momentum is nearly impossible to counter? Correct?
    Correct. I edited to reflect that they have increased strength while moving.

    Ability is fine, but the count is off. Take a look at that.
    Damnation. Editing during final math count failed me. I got one but not the other. Correct count is 1,400 which has been put in. Assuming you're not willing to give me 400 free big doggies.

    So long as it's not an auto-hit, this ability is approved.
    Not an auto-hit. Just specialized attack. Edited to reflect.

    I'll need clarity on endurance. Can it soak up more damage than a normal person or simply handle vigorous activity for extended periods of time? IE. Use its incredible strengths consistently without fail?
    Can ignore flesh wounds and the like as a damage soak because of its toughness. Edited to reflect.

    How many times can it Shockwave?
    Twice. Edited to reflect.

    Blood is power Which one do you want to keep, twice as strong or twice as durable?
    Changed to make it speed instead. The more he kills, the faster he kills.

    Fearsome Aura - An auto hit ability but more of a status down than anything. I'm going to need a duration and effective radius on this. Depending on radius, I may be able to be persuaded to have a permanent aura. Say, for melee combatants within 5 meters?
    5 meters works for me as it was supposed to be a permanent aura effect. Edited to reflect.
    "I have looked upon all that the universe has to hold of horror, and even the skies of spring and the flowers of summer must ever afterward be poison to me." - Call of Cthulhu

    David vs. Goliath: History's first recorded critical hit.

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