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Thread: The Bazaar: FAQ

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  1. #1
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Are there any extra-special materials on Althanas?

    1. Yes! However, these materials cannot be obtained from the bazaar - they must be quested for. Here is a list of those materials:

    Adamantine-- no normal substance can harm adamantine, cause it to lose shape or edge, and among "abnormal" substances the only one known to even pose a threat to adamantine is icemold (see below). Adamantine appears as either a tan stony substance or a steely metallic substance, although different ancient weapons-mages and craftsmen often "signed" their creations with special tinges or colors. Adamantine items are relics from a time before and during the Wars of the Tap, and can only be made by a mage using the entire Eternal Tap. As such, no adamantine items have been made since the end of those wars. Based on ancient texts, the only known method of creating adamantine suggests that it is an alloy, as it describes a process by which mythril and prevalida ores are melted together over a fire stoked by liviol wood and kindled on a bed of Njalian Spidersilk; the entire thing must, of course, be presided over by a mage feeding the power of the Eternal Tap into the mixture. There may still be other means, altogether unknown, of crafting adamantine, but anyone who discovers such a method is bound to keep it a dead secret in order to maintain the high price of what they create.

    Ancient Dragonscale, Dragonbone, and Dragonhorn--these materials are similar to the varieties found in the basic tier list; the difference is in the age of the dragon they are taken from. Wearing something from an ancient dragon not only offers substantial protection from the types of elements opposite the dragon's original element, but they also enhance and promote the latent power of their wearer in the element with which the dragon was akin. These are the oldest and most powerful dragons; almost anyone should be changing their underwear after seeing one of these. Very few people will be going out of their way to find these things to make stuff out of them: you�ll have to do it yourself.

    Dragon Stones -- said to be two dark rocks that lie at the seat of a dragons throat and grow over time. These rocks are said to be the source of the most powerful dragon fires, ice blasts and other elemental breaths. They are diamond in hardness and so rare some say that they do not exist at all. Some researchers suggest that they usually are absorbed by the dragon when they die, or that there are various ways of making the attacks. They can hold the major powerful of enchantments and it is said when they are struck together they produce the most brilliant of elemental effects that are extremely powerful. The colour is effected by the colour of the dragon in life and follows the ancient dragonscale ideas: e.g. Red will make fire, grey/white ice etc.

    Haidian Demonhide--the stripped flesh cut from Haidian demons, this material is a marvelous mixture of scale and flesh. It provides good resistance against heat, and when properly treated it provides superb resistance against slashing attacks. Due to the fact that Haidia looks very unkindly on its citizens being hunted for their skin, bans have been placed on the material in all nations. Furthermore, most remaining craftworks of this material were made from trophies taken during the Demon War over 2000 years ago. So, as with adamantine, anyone who has one is going to keep it. Furthermore, anyone who is an expert in crafting demonskin is either not going to admit it or is in jail for violating national law. So if you can find someone, you're a lucky devil. But you might be careful wearing it; if anyone knows what it is you could be in trouble.

    Gorian'fel Hide-- in great quantities, the gray hide can disrupt the holder's mental function, cause headaches, and perhaps even induce mental illness. A small amount, however, can simply be helpful in scrambling telekinetic and telepathic intrusion. A favorite of spies, savants, and mentalists, the material also blocks the use of telekinetics and telepathic skills by the wearer. Not really serving as any protection other than for those who feel that their knowledge isn't safe - even in their own heads! Gorian'fel are nocturnal, and rarely come out of their underground dwellings; furthermore, their rarity makes it nearly impossible to find this skin in the Bazaar.

    Root Walker Husk--the bark from moving trees of the various Althanian forests, is quite difficult to come across. Coloration usually is limited to brown and dark green. Root Walkers are hard to enrage, but are very dangerous creatures when provoked. Their bark properties similar to the wood they originally spring from, in addition to excellent protection against blunt trauma and piercing. Due to the danger required for obtaining these and the fact that many people regard the Root Walkers as sentient beings with the same rights as other creatures, they are not offered for general sale in the Bazaars.

    Kiramaini-- small glass beads or pearls, perfectly spherical, that form naturally on certain sacred sands of the central deserts of Fallien. Coming in a myriad of natural colors, these are often used for jewelry or magical enchantment. Extraordinarily rare, this magically-aligned glass is considered sacred by the Fallien, who do not like it leaving their land. They guard it religiously, and will often attack those who wear it without permission.

    Icemold--thought to be some sort of weird version of adamantine, icemold is totally unbreakable, and is the only known substance that can cleave adamantine. However, it comes with a catch; weapons of icemold appear to have an extremely limited period of use. Once they pierce flesh or cut adamantine, they melt away like ice after around five to ten seconds. If you own an icemold weapon, do not waste it; strike hard and fast, and make sure your aim is true. There is thought to be one, perhaps two people hiding in Salvar who still know the secret of its making, but if they actually exist only the wisest know of it. And if they exist, they don't sell their wares on the common market.

    Njalian Spidersilk--the Njalian magi, undead wood elven/spider hybrids with a voracious appetite for the living, would sooner tear off all eight of their legs than let someone get at their silk. Their ability to melt into the shadows makes them a hard target to spot. Their silk is totally impervious to slashing and piercing attacks from normal weaponry. Vulnerable to fire, this valuable material should be kept away from heat at all costs. This silk is so strong that one strand can support almost 250 pounds. It is extremely rare in the Bazaar: nearly every fool who sets out to seek the substance for sale winds up dead, deranged, or worse.

    These are our "Althanas Canon" special materials. This does not exhaust the list by any means; nor is this necessarily the last word on the subject of special materials. Feel free to invent your own materials and creatures, quest for their hides or eyes or livers, and even submit them for addition into the Althanas Canon!

  2. #2
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Is haggling allowed?

    Haggling is allowed if the player decides to write out their transaction.

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