I suggest we gather together a group of comrades, Veridian suggested as he strode out from the room. His brush tail swept delicately from side to side, creating its own personal breeze. Ones who can insist on this venture.

Aragarron certainly, came the reply into his head, from the mind of the large white rabbit that hopped beside him. Perhaps Meridal also. And Quentzado.

Philomel's eyebrows arched as soon as she saw the bunny. Standing in the same position as before, when Veridian had first disappeared into the back room, she was indecently casual in her taking in of his appearance.

Simply she blinked, cocking her head back and then the faun-whore let out a little snort. Eyes rolled slightly, hoof kicked away from the wall and she found herself leaning down to peer at the white fluff from on high.

"Well aren't you cute?" she chided.

Immediately, she regretted that all.

No sooner had she spoken than a well-aimed kick was sent at her shin bone. There was a light thud and a groan as she groaned and clutched her leg.. A bleat escaped her pouting lips as she cursed the very day the rabbit was born.

"What the-"

Cuteness is not a definition of me, the proud lepidorae said, literally stepping on her. His foot turned into a hop and he skipped over to the front door where, Philomel saw as she craned her neck - still reeling from the pain to her leg, there was propped a sort of infantile crossbow. The sort one would expect a childling would have in training to be a mighty warrior.

"She's a bit of a dick," Philomel hissed at Veridian, as the fox-form spirit slunk into the room also.

A lovely dick
, Veridian replied. A dick without a dick.

And that, apparently, was the end of that.