Aynur made sounds of protest, grabbing the table to try and pull herself away from the other woman as she tore Aynur away from her seat and into her lap. What...just happened? Aynur wriggled, her own body unwittingly grinding against the warm lap of the stranger as she tried to shift away from the suddenly very grabby woman. Exasperated, the Aynur gave up and slumped in the other womans warm yet forceful embrace. There was no escape from comfort. Especially when it came from her new found friend whose hands shifted to wrap around Aynur's waist as she whispered softly in her ear. Words that were meant to comfort her.

And in a way... they did.

Aynur felt safe... and warm... and she realized something... how terribly she missed being held like this, an embrace so tight that she felt her breath pushed from her very lungs. One that said 'I need you' one that implored her to stay, and to never leave. It made Aynur feel almost giddy. A bemused smile fell across Aynur's face when the woman told her she didn't look as old as she looked. "I'm blind...remember..." Aynur was met with silence but did not mind. She did her best to swing herself around in the other's tight grip - Rosellia was not letting up, and seemingly would not allow Aynur to leave her lap.

"Here..." Now sitting with her legs swung over the side Aynur had a better reach. Just as she did with Tristain she gently pressed her fingers to the other woman's face. Tiny, soft pads danced across cherub cheeks, a strong jawline, two eyes fluttered closed as her fingers danced across delicate eyelids and finally plush lips. Aynur drew away with reddened cheeks. This was the second time she had accidentally pressed her fingers to someones lips and it still felt... too personal. "I...uh..I'm not sure how old you are but I will not question it."

Aynur did question one strange sentence however. "Your eye?" Aynur tilted her head to the side and chocolate brown locks spilled over her shoulder. "I felt two. Can you only see from one?" Her question faded from the forefront of her mind as the other explained how she was aided from another. Aynur gave a wistful smile.

"I'm...glad..." Her fingers went to her wrists absently as she began to rub the bandages, still spotted with stains of blood. "I am glad someone found you, and helped bring you back from such a place. I struggle often myself... I cannot place my memories... my mind is clouded and often I find myself wishing I were not here. If it weren't for a friend, I wouldn't be."

Aynur shook her head. "I'm sorry... I didn't catch your name, what was it again?"