Her brow furrowed a little, and she felt the warm body of Mao press into her neck. Fluttering upa hand she cupped the small rabbit, putting her head to the side. "So ..." she frowned. "Never mind. Let us go inside. More privacy is something I very much appreciate."

Out here, in the open, surrounded by these working men and armed guards, she felt as if there was any chance at any moment of being overheard by someone distrustful. After all, this was not her own fortress. This was not her own people, her Lilies. Instead ... well, fine it was Shinsou's Brotherhood stronghold. But it was exposed, unlike the fortress. It was a town, in the middle of the countryside, where practically, it seemed, anyone could walk in and pretend to be one of them.

Shinsou nodded, and turned, gesturing with his upraised palm towards a large building that stood against the square. With agitation waiting in the back of her throat, Philomel looked around for the boldest and most trustworthy man she could find. Looking right into his eyes she pointed to her tera'k.

"Feed and water him please," she said, and then turned away, heading right for the building.

They entered a short while later into a wooden-styled office, with a heavy desk and chairs. Her hooves clattered with the hollowness of the place, Veridian's own style barely heard. Heading straight for a seat Philomel dropped into it, her body tired from so much travel. Her eyes glanced briefly around the light coloured furnishings, the simple window with white sunlight streaming through, and various yellowing pages on the desk, before moving back around to her dear friend. Slowly, the man she had sincerely hoped that was not dead, and had not been, he of the gorgeous brown locks and startling eyes, sat down, and she found a sigh escaping from her lips.

"Firstly, I am glad to see you alive, Shinsou. Secondly, can all the questions about my daughter wait until I have found my hooves once more. Thirdly, you really did not need to send an escort to me. Do you not think I can defend myself? Do you not think my women would have provided enough of an honour guard."

The head of the Brotherhood looked over to the head of the Gilded Lily, two world players in the one room. For a while he sat in quiet, before he raised his hands and rested them on the desk.

"The escort was more about bringing you here directly than safely," he replied, respecting her wishes of avoiding conversation over Celandine. "I didn't want anyone else to talk to you about this."

"I am presuming 'this' has to do with my own plans," she said, sitting slightly forwards. Picking up Mao from her shoulder, where the rabbit was starting to strangle himself in her hair, she pulled him to sit on her lap. "Or something similar, as you seem to be avoiding explaining that."

"This," Shinsou said, sliding a piece of paper towards her. "I have been trying to find where Lye Ulroke resides."

She leaned forwards, brow furrowing as she read the few words on the paper.

"Seventh Sanctum, GWE."

Philomel blinked, and then she smiled. "Ah, the Seventh Sanctum," she said, and she nodded, the breath expelling from her lungs like a fresh morning breeze.

She paused, eyes looking over the last three initials. "GWE ... Great ... Great White Expanse? Well you do have to cover that hell for a while until you get there. Yes," she nodded, "I agree, that is where Ulroke will likely be."

Looking up she saw his dumfounded expression and she looked curious, "Why? Have you been there also?"