Slipping carefully down the steep scree slope, Philomel tried her best to bear herself and not cause any more noise than was necessary. Ahead of her Rianna skidded down, with Ayami, still happy, floating and descending. Their path was a steady decline of rocks and slippery surface that required great concentration as they took it. Philomel was thankful for her natural gift of her hooves, using them as much as she needed to. The soft but tough underside gripped over the rocks and the harder exterior made a good base. Around her shoulders Veridian was slung, his claws dug tight into her shoulder guard and his eyes ever watching the dragon.

He still isn't moving, he whispered. He's still ... Quiet.

Sleeping? Philomel asked.

I hope so, Veridian replied. It would help greatly. But his eyes are open, at least I can sleep with my eyes open ... Maybe dragons do too?

Philomel thought about it. It would certainly fit the description of a dragon, always eager to protect his hoard, if he slept with his eyes open. It gave a creature an ability to passively be able to be aware, even if they were deeply resting. She thought about this as she slowly moved down more, trying to avoid a mass of loose stones. They were about half way down now, trying to negotiate the treacherous road.

Sshhrrkkkkshhh ...

Suddenly, the stones above Philomel's head began to slip. Looking up she saw a chunk of rock had come loose, and now scree was cascading its way right towards her. And that meant Rianna behind. Like a thunder it built in velocity, and then volume as it skidded past a rock, met the more slippy path and hunted them. Gasping, Philomel realised that one of them at some point must have loosened the rock somehow. An accidental placing of hoof or foot. With seconds to decide she twisted around and began to run towards Rianna, now not caring about making noise.

Shouting a warning of, "WATCH!" the faun raced and shoved an arm around the vampire's waist. As the rocks continued to crumble towards them she pushed off from the path with her hooves, heaving Rianna with her and Veridian, who held on for dear life. Launching herself right at Ayami, she pushed the rabbit spirit off guard and the four of them fell onto a ledge still fifteen feet up.

The scree roared past them and met the ground with a crashing, heavy rumble as they landed heavily. Stones rained down for seconds more as Philomel tried to protect them all with a foetal position. Crumbling, shaking, hailing, everything fell and that was fearsome until it stopped. Eventually. With a last plink the last pebble of the scree came to rest, and there was a long, effortless pause.

Of peace. Of patience and -


Oh feck.

They turned to come eye to eye with the half-celestial dragon.

He was awake.