
The military head of the White Clan, Spy Master Heus the White, watched as the group of 11 people left the tavern yard. However, at that moment was when it decided to rain. The rain revealed that there were many more invisible humans lining the streets of the town. If it wasn't for the fact that he led units that also could be invisible, he probably wouldn't have noticed.

Now, however, he had a problem. The rain made it impossible for his units to move from the buildings that they had taken shelter in when the enemy entered the town. They had dodged out of sight every time one got close or even blink out of existence, some of them had already used up to about two minutes of their two hours that they could for the day, now with this infernal rain, they would easily be noticed just like the invisible units that lined the streets. There was no way of sending the scout out and they didn't have any of the shape-shifting Grey Mages set up in town. Most of them were out in the fields probably waiting for the signal to shift.

The Greens were on defense with their trees growing in random places around the forest in order to blend in. The Browns have already used their ability to make the land between the town and the forest difficult to cross and the others are waiting for them to send word of the enemy's arrival. Add in the fact that they can probably see the smoke, they could doom themselves by attacking early he had to figure out a way to get a messenger out to them without alerting the enemy. He thought but couldn't come up with a solution. He hoped one of his commanders would think of something.

True Althanian Camp:

The three hooded figures looked up when the military head of the Green Clan, Willowlock the Green, came into the tent.

“Sirs,” he said with a bow, “one of my troops from the edge of the forest has mentioned smoke being seen rising from the ruins. Is that our signal to attack?”

The military leader of the Gold Clan, Lintagoko the Gold, looked at his two companions, Rogrolma the Brown and Lovana the Magenta before he turned back to Willowlock.

“No,” Lintagoko said with a voice of authority, “you hear the rain?” he asked as Willowlock nodded. “It is probably preventing the whites from using their ability. Bring me Jagaer the Pink, we have a job for the Pink Clan.” Willowlock bowed again then left. It wasn't long till a pink-robed Althanian was standing in the tent.

“You called me sirs?” Jagaer asked as he bowed to the three commanders.

“Ye Jagaer,” Rogrolma said with a nod, “We need you to send ten of your wolves to the village ruins to get in contact with Spy Master Heus the White and/or assess the situation in said ruins. Have them pretend to be a pack of wolves scrounging for food. Once they are done, have them eat whatever they want and even drag some corpses back into the forest like they would bring food to the rest of the pack. Once that is done we will receive all the info we need.”

Jagaer nodded then bowed before he made his departure. The three then looked at each other then back to the map.

“The weather is not on the white's side today my friends,” Rogrolma said to his two friends.

“Nor for us my friend,” Lovana said with a frown. She looked over the map. “The brook might flood to any extent, even to the point of becoming a river, especially in the canyon. The brook will show signs of the river rising so we should be able to retreat if there is danger. We should have one of the Flame Clan keep watch a bit up the canyon on the top to keep watch on that. He will use his fireball to signal a flood.”

Both Lintagoko and Rogrolma nodded. Lovana then smiled and said, “I will go and get one of the flames to do that. After all, they will probably need some convincing.” She then walked out of the tent while the two males watched her.

“Lucky boy,” Rogrolma said with a sigh. Lintagoko couldn't help but agree with him. They then turned back to the map and waited for word from the Jagaer.

All 555 White Clan Members are trapped inside the buildings of Helen-Var

There are 555 fruit producing trees being controlled in the forest by the Green Clan Members.

All the Brown Clan members have already used their ability to make the land between the forest and the ruins difficult for horses to get through.

Ten of the Pink Clans have summoned their wolves which will arrive at the Ruins of Helen-Var in one turn.

A single Flame Clan Member, after a round of "fun", is on his way to the canyon to watch for flooding, he will arrive at the base of the canyon in one turn then take another two turns to climb canyon walls to get to a safe vantage point. He will be vulnerable during these last two turns.