Oof, I would not have made it through such a workout. Nice job Shin.

Today I did a half hour of yoga and I walked hard in the sun for three hours. Not quite in a row, but close enough. My stomach is sore the way it got when I went to cross country events as a kid. I weighed in about halfway through the walking and came in at 167 lbs. I think most of that was water because I was a little dehydrated at the time, but it still feels like a kick in the right direction. I'll weigh in again in the next day or so to see what's up.

I had breakfast at 4pm; some grape tomatoes and a couple small bowls of rice pasta with venison sauce. Just before that, at the end of my fast, I did my little fitness test. I wouldn't really recommend resistance training while fasting to anyone, but I wanted to find out what I was capable of in that state. Here was my result:

Warmup: 10min shadow boxing, 5 min band exercsies
Coco squats: 20, 30
Pushups: 20, 25
Plank: 30s, 45s
Wall sit: 30s, 45s

I haven't really improved since the last time I did this workout, but I haven't been training for strength, so the important thing is I didn't go backwards. I will make it a goal to improve my results in all four exercises, however. I wasn't feeling satisfied by this, so I threw in twenty situps at the end.

Now I'm enjoying some scotch and perrier picked up on my journey and figuring out what to eat for dinner. I'm actually not that hungry... but I'm sure it will come.