She wanted to pull away. Had tried to. Aynur knew this would happen, that she would be turned away the moment anyone set eyes on her. “I-It’s ok. You tried…” She mumbled, but the man wouldn’t hear it. The tin-can man kept a tight hold on her small wrist.

The threat of tearing down walls with a hammer… Aynur cringed. What possessed him to think such a thing? To want to destroy an establishment in this town, whatever the town was… regardless… why? Why for her? Her brows furrowed in confusion as the exchange continued. She couldn’t see it but she heard the reserved fear in the womans voice. The bubbling anger in his.

Then, before she knew it away she was whisked! “I uhm- you didn’t have to do that.” She muttered as they took the steps slowly, one by one. She gave another tug. He wasn’t letting go. Instead he lead her up the stairs being sure to not let her trip or fall.

“I did not have to. But I did.” His voice rasped out as they moved, as firm and unyielding as the grasp on her wrist, the armor he wore.

Their footsteps creaked upon wooden floorboards as he lead her down a hallway. One, two, four, eight...eight large strides till they stopped in front of a door and with the jingle of keys Aynur was pulled into a room.

There was only a moment of silence before he spoke again. His voice was soft=spoken but rough around the edges. The sudden sound still caused the blind woman to jump. “A...a bath? I - warm waters but…” Before she could continue she heard his footsteps move away from her.

Desperately she reached out, only for her hand to hit nothing. Aynur took two blind steps forward - still flailing. Her hand finally hit something. Her eyes widened when she realized what it was. His outstretched arm. “I uhm. Ah.” She felt him shift, slowly, taking a few steps backward which allowed her to follow with his guidance. He was leading her to the bathroom.

“I’ name is Aynur.”

There was a pause then a response. “I am Tristain.” Came his gruff reply.

The blind woman let that mull around in her mind as she continued to let the man lead her into the bathroom. She felt a shift in the air. It was a little cooler now, and she assumed they were now in the adjacent room. She felt him clasp her hand and press it to a cool, hard surface. The rim of the bath.

Then, came the sound of rushing water. HIs silence unnerved her. She wasn’t sure if he was disgusted with her appearance, curious, or just not a very talkative person. Aynur used a free hand to reach up to her face and let her fingers graze over the claw-like scars on her face. “It wasn’t an animal.” She commented. There was no response from the man.

“A group of people did this. It hurt...a lot. They ripped out my eyes. I wouldn’t have any, if it weren’t for a woman named Amari. I think… I’d be dead if it weren’t for her.” Aynur tilted her head to the side as she lifted it up. That seemed like such a long time ago now. Of course Lucifer… a man she thought she adored, had forced her to live a lifetime of pain and solitude. Aynur had lived an entire lifetime and had to endure a lifetime of false memories floating around in her mind.

Sometimes, she questioned what was real.

Was this even real?

“Are you real?”