Hey, dude! Thanks for the warm welcome and the review.

For "Feeling Bombastic," I have three limitations in mind that I need to add: the number of bombs that can be made per day, the materials required for the bombs, and how long they can be used. After thinking about the ability, putting an indefinite expiration date on these things could become super broken in a matter of posts. Would a time limit somewhere between 24-48 hours be ok?

For "Mutagen Mania," this is closely tied with the "Elite Elixir Mixer" since a mutagen (at least as defined in my character sheet. This definition can be changed if needed) is a sub-type of elixir. Something I can do is specify the requirements for Elixirs in general and have their limitations apply to both the bombs and mutagens. Then I could add a few extra safeguards onto the bombs and mutagens themselves.

Question: If I put the brunt of the limitations in "Elite Elixir Mixer" skill--duration of any given elixir and the number of each major category a day--could I remove the limitation from the "Home-Brew Missile" ability and have it tied with the bomb's limitations? For Example, only three (or how many would be suitable for a level one character) bombs can be made per day, given that the necessary ingredients are available. These bombs can only last for 24 hours (or however long is suitable for a level one character). While technically a cap wouldn't exist on the number of missiles she could make, it would be limited by the number of bombs she has in her possession at any given time. If that's too much, I can keep the daily limitation on this ability along with the added bomb limitations.

Thanks again for the feedback!