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  1. #4
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
    Level completed: 31%,
    EXP required for next Level: 6,234

    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
    More or less male.

    View Profile
    (10:08:53) Lye: I want to hug a hype.
    (10:08:59) Lye: So like...
    (10:09:05) Lye: If I cut off a hype arm
    (10:09:10) Lye: And stuck it in soil
    (10:09:17) Lye: Would I get a minihype?
    (10:09:24) Briarheart: You'd get a necking of a lifetime
    (10:09:28) FennWenn: !!!
    (10:09:38) Briarheart: And probably not
    (10:09:42) Lye: It's called landscaping.
    (10:09:47) Briarheart:
    (10:09:53) Briarheart: Hype would cry
    (10:09:56) Briarheart: Bite your throat out
    (10:10:01) Briarheart: Consume thy flesh
    (10:10:09) Lye: Would a hype bikini wax require hedge trimmers?
    (10:10:11) Briarheart: And then cry some more because that was so unladylike
    (10:10:15) Amari: omg
    (10:10:21) Briarheart: :O
    (10:10:26) FennWenn: Poor Hypehype
    (10:10:40) Amari: can we keep the hye plant in the windowsill
    (10:10:42) Amari: of our little abode
    (10:10:48) Briarheart bristles
    (10:10:50) Briarheart fluffs
    (10:10:56) Briarheart scatters things about

    (10:11:13) Lye: Overloading Andy is one of my favorite things.
    (10:11:24) Atzar: he's throwing a plantrum
    (10:11:35) Briarheart acquires admin powers
    (10:11:38) FennWenn: Leaf him alooone
    (10:11:38) Atzar: B)
    (10:11:39) Briarheart /kick Atzar
    (10:11:47) Briarheart /kick FennWenn

    (10:11:53) FennWenn: Nuuuu
    (10:12:04) Briarheart /ban Lye
    (10:12:05) FennWenn firmly roots self in chat
    (10:12:09) Amari: I mean.
    (10:12:21) Amari: he's all bark and no bite
    (10:12:34) Lye: Hate to see him leave, but love to watch him walk away.
    (10:12:39) FennWenn: No need to get thorny
    (10:13:03) Briarheart kick Amari
    (10:13:06) Lye: ermagerd thurns!
    (10:13:11) Briarheart /ban FennWenn
    (10:13:16) Atzar: eh, he'll be vine eventually
    (10:13:16) Lye: Oh god
    (10:13:19) Briarheart /deleteaccount Lye
    (10:13:21) Amari: I will kick yu Mister!
    (10:13:22) FennWenn: Lye really is on the hedge
    (10:13:27) Briarheart /deleteaccount Atzar
    (10:13:31) Lye: Did you see the Irma gerd florida house?
    (10:13:33) FennWenn: and so am I
    (10:13:36) Briarheart /deleteaccount FennWenn
    (10:13:42) Amari: well lye is turning a new leaf
    (10:13:43) Briarheart: Yes I did, it was great
    (10:13:53) Lye: Amazing.
    (10:14:05) Briarheart buys the rights to the site from Dirks and shuts it down
    (10:14:11) Lye: That guy should win a home upgrade.
    (10:14:19) Briarheart sells the name for two orders of mozarella sticks
    (10:14:31) Atzar: so you'd be acquiring root admin powers?
    (10:14:44) FennWenn: All these problems stemmed from our puns
    (10:15:07) Lye: I think the puns is the one reason Andy went archivist for a while.
    (10:15:22) Briarheart: Well
    (10:15:25) Briarheart: it was part of the reason
    (10:15:34) FennWenn: But then we turned a new page and made book puns
    (10:15:41) Briarheart: Other part was I had some stories I wanted to tell in that veign
    (10:15:43) Briarheart: Veing
    (10:15:49) Briarheart: fucking hell fein
    (10:15:51) Briarheart: SHIT
    (10:15:53) Briarheart: vein
    (10:15:56) Briarheart: THERE WE GO
    (10:15:56) Atzar: LOL
    (10:16:04) Lye: He's shaken up.
    (10:16:09) Lye: We've done our job.
    (10:16:17) FennWenn: O dear
    (10:16:19) Briarheart: You are all the literal worst.
    (10:16:22) Lye: Now give the man some Motza sticks
    (10:16:50) Lye: He needs to go to his happy place
    (10:16:54) Amari: <3
    (10:16:58) Briarheart: yes
    (10:17:00) Briarheart: gib
    (10:17:05) FennWenn: Vine by me
    (10:17:19) Briarheart /deletecomputer FennWenn
    (10:17:36) FennWenn: Do excess puns soil the joke?
    (10:17:46) Althanas: Briarheart logs out of the Chat.
    (10:17:46) FennWenn shrivels into goo
    (10:17:58) Atzar: this has been ideal
    (10:17:58) FennWenn: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (10:18:30) Amari: hahahhahhaha
    (10:18:37) Lye: When Andy leaves after a good punning, I feel he pushes away from his desk and does that kermit gif.
    (10:18:45) Lye: Just arm flailing and angry screaming.
    (10:19:00) Amari continues to bother him with puns on FB
    (10:19:15) Atzar: yes, I can envision this
    Last edited by FennWenn; 09-13-2017 at 11:36 AM.
    "I'm funny, so they let me live." - Skippy's List

    The Wiki Matriarch, the Vignette Enthusiast, your friendly neighborhood Cinnamon Smol, and very excited to roleplay!

    I play this rude little bug! Spell his name F E N N I K. No "c".

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