I already had him picked, and would likely be betting on him in the last 3 bouts “Morigan, the hunter. He’s an older ass hole, but as a hunter he’s familiar with the boar spear, and knife, and he’s no nonsense. He won’t try any sort of fancy footwork, or over complicated maneuvers that’ will provide an opening.”

The gentleman chuckled “Morigan the Ass Hole” chuckle “has a certain ring to it. He a friend of yours?”

I shook my head “Na, not so much, but his skills should be acknowledged.”

The gentleman nodded, and said “If you’re right than you’ll be set up for a while. What are your plans for your winnings?”

I nodded “Should be, depending one how much I win, I’ll probably improve the horse stall I live at the very least, or see about become a partner with the livery.”

The gentleman smiled “Smart man, I wish you the best of luck in the remaining bouts.”

The gentleman departed, with a piece of advice “The bitter lady will probably want to prove a point.”

Later that evening, the bitter want to be baroness proved the gentleman right. Erick, and I were enjoying ourselves at the Inn when she stepped in with a decent sized bag of coins in her hand. It must have been worth two hundred silvers. Compared to my winnings of ten silvers worth of copper, that was a statement to say the least.

Was she really going to risk blowing that huge wad of cash on trying to prove her decisions superior, just because she was a noble woman!?

She came up to me, and asked “want to make a bet?”

Bet your ass she was. She let he coin bag hit the bar with a heavy thump, and asked “which match are you going to bet on tomorrow?” With her smug smile, and voice being stained with a lot of cheap wine.

I smiled at her, and replied “I plan on betting on Morigan in his next bout against William.”

She nodded, and said “good, how about a lordly wager?”

I shook my head replying “no thank you, it’s a bad idea for you to bet that much on this kind of tournament. Besides I don’t have the coin to match your bet.”

She grimaced, and nearly shouted “nonsense! How about we make an arrangement? If you win you get this sack of silver, but if I win.” she drew out the I, and pointed at her self “I get your earnings, and you become my serf till the rest is paid off. And don’t presume to tell your betters what is a bad idea!”