He went on “I am of the firm belief that with the right support an intelligent person can be incredibly dangerous. To that end I have an offer for you. I am prepared to elevate you to the level of a minor lord, the same as Morigan the hunter, with comparable lands that he’ll receive for winning the tournament.”

I was astonished at the offer, and I let out a heavy overwhelmed sigh. That was an offer of a lifetime, and I meant to take it. I replied though “I am not exactly a politician, and I’m unfamiliar with the nobility thing. But I’ll take up your offer.”

The Duke smiled “Excellent I will explain things more after the awards ceremony. You will be my personal guest at the lord’s table, and I will make you a lord under my patronage when the baron makes Morigan under his.” With that I was excused until the feast that went along with such tournaments.

Later that afternoon I found myself sitting at the lord’s table across from Duke Richard, and Baron Dunken Hill. There was roasted chicken, and a fatted calf, bread of every kind, multiple wheels of cheese, fresh fruits, and vegetables, wine, beer, and brandy, and more. I liked tournament feasts.

It didn’t take long for the bitter lady to discover me, I was alerted to her presence when her voice rang out “You are not supposed to be here! Leave now, or I will have you put in stocks.”

To which Baron Dunken replied “Mr. Ramsay is a guest at this table along with the Duke.” And Duke Richard replied “Lady Rebecca please sit down, and be silent.” She sat down, and spent the entire feast just brooding no longer able to even enjoy being drunk.

Finally as the sun was beginning to set the Baron Dunken stepped up to a podium, and called Morigan up to it, and had him kneel asking “Do you Morigan swear by the four elements that you will first serve the people under your lordship, and to serve your patron lord should the need arise?”

Morrigan nodded, and replied “I so swear.”

The Barron then nodded, and finished “Then I under the authority vested to me by the king, and four elements name you Lord Morigan. Please rise.” As Morigan did, the crowd cheered.

Then Duke got the Barons attention, and asked to make an announcement which the Baron allowed. The Duke came up to the podium, and began “Lord’s, and Ladies, Commoners, and Serfs I am Duke Richard Northon, second cousin to King Edward Braily. Over the past five days we have celebrated martial, and physical prowess, and have rewarded it with title, and lands. There for it’s only right, and fitting that mental prowess should also be rewarded. Thus it’s my pleasure to call Conrade Ramsay to come forward.”

I stepped forward, and kneeled when instructed to, and the Duke asked “Do you Conrade Ramsay swear by the four elements that you will first serve the people under your lordship, and to serve your patron lord should the need arise?”

I replied “I so swear.”

Then the Duke followed up with “Then I under the authority vested to me by my cousin King Edward, and the four elements name you Lord Conrad Ramsay. Please rise, and enjoy all rights, and privileges thereto pertaining tf your position.”

I rose, and the crowd once again cheered for me as well, well everyone except the bitter lady, she was staring daggers at me. I ate, and ate until it felt like my stomach was about to burst, and drank more than I ate or at least I thought I did.