Marquis Meaden Garth, Forthright Beckinsdale, Joe Lancey, Sir Gwaine, Popsina Marina Fine, Fat Monk Jim and Scholar IV.

Seven writers, seven different texts, and all which claimed to be significant treatises of study in their field. According to all the introductions these particular authors were connected with in depth studies and analysis, experts in all rights with various accolades, awards and titles given for their achievements. Together they covered everything to do with Raiaeran history and geography, from the plants to a brief history of what happened in the area of the greatest forest from beginning to end. There was focus upon Raiaera, mainly for the library's location reasons, and most of the books were chosen for their particular association to the Red Forest. The Red Forest, where wild things grow and evil resides, and where nature has truly gone havoc to the point of dissolution.

Its an abomination! Veridian declared, as Philomel wrote down a list of the names at his bequest, None of them even mention Earth Spirits, whereas our association with the Red Forest has been millenia in the making and the process! We helped form its branches, its leaves and its depths, we fought against Pode's influence where none would dare make a stand! We still go in there, and survive and help the vegetation to thrive, even if it might be a bit twisted but - but - but! Frustrated, he snarled at a bright, happy drawing of Fat Monk Jim. None of them mention us, not even once!

"Darling," the faun-whore said, writing slowly in a calligraphic hand, so each point of every word swirled and meandered in an aesthetic, artful way; "Have you considered that maybe they just never heard of an Earth Spirit?"

Veridian paused in his attacking, and blinked. He looked around at the books he had definitely marked for life and the table they sat on, which was likewise damaged, and sniffed.

Hmmmm ... but why wouldn't they have, Philomel? Are we not the most beautiful of species?

He turned to face her, his great golden eyes cutely sparkling. His soft hair with the little tufts that stood out from his pointed ears all drooped in a condescendingly gorgeous way, and he took on an adorable half-smile. Philomel was entirely forced to give one answer to the question because of this, which only made it worse because she was incredibly bais on this whole matter, also.

"Well of course you are," she said, sighing, suddenly feeling as if she just had to pick him up and coo into his ear for all of time, "But ... but ... can it not be that they have never seen one of your kind? Beauty and knowing are two things, Veridian."

You knew of my kind before you met me.

"Yes, but that is because I am a faun, dearest, and we are children of Drys, as you are."

The fox arched his neck, looking up at the bright chandeliers that lit the great wooden hall, I know that I am, certainly. Some might claim different, but I know her true power. I have met her.

He let out a nicker, as Philomel rolled her eyes. Veridian never stopped proudly declaring the fact these days, that he had met their goddess and she had not. It was pure pride, and her emotion to it was pure jealousy, though neither would ever admit it. Instead she just let him flaunt his blessed experience, and continued in her scriptive writing.

In any case, the Earth Spirit concluded, These seven people are guilty of high treason, if I have any say in the matter. They must be found, if still alive, and their wrongs righted. That or they will be killed.