From Farragise's the ancient Rabbit's Perspective:
A pause filled the stale air. For a moment I looked at my Earth-brother in serious caution, wondering if truly he meant to mock me - but then I realised that this was the thing they called 'humour.' I found it funny.

Grunting laughter came from my lepidorae throat. Very amusing, Earth-brother, I replied, Very amusing!

Casually I stretched out my mighty hind legs, and then moved to leap off the chaise longue to stand before him. Curious it was with our sizes, for our two forms naturally were much different from one another. I, as a rabbit, should have been something of a fifth of his length, however this had never been a fact. Standing at little over half a metre to the shoulder I was the same sitting height as him, in his fox form, though our lengths of course were dwarfed by his brush tail. My ears, tall and erect at that time, tickled the air above him, but for all intents and purposes our size was perfect to look at each other in the eyes, and for me to have a decent conversation with the kin I called my Earth-brother.

So, I continued, once he had finished his reply - a simple wolfish grin. Tell me about that thing outside. She seemed very unhappy that Esmerelda called her your familiar. I twisted an ear to sound out if the two-legged was still making a moan. She was not, which was at least a comfort.

Veridian's tail swished once, then came around to tuck beside his body. I twitched my nose, delicately, sniffing the air. I could tell he felt uneasy, and uncertain, which was common for people in my presence to feel so, but mainly for the reason I chose to directly address the problem of his companion.

Philomel is the best of allies anyone could want, he said,
rather defensively. As to the term 'familiar' it is something she is unused to. You know that your relationship with Esmerelda is different than other two-legged and beast-form creature relationships. Philomel exists in a world where she has power, and is very used to power, and I am her ... companion, if you will. He shuffled his forepaws, It is often I who is called the familiar.

Pah! I declared. You, be her familiar?! The female is lucky you even bless her with your noble company.

I thank you, Farragise, for your compliments,
he dipped his muzzle in the air, looking down to the wooden floor suddenly, But you underestimate her. You have not even met her properly.

I have read your letters, I said, connecting to his first comment when he had come in here. Come in here and spoken to me after ten long years of not seeing each other, in which a world of things had occurred. In which he had been reborn several times, gained a companion, gained something of a slave status in life it seemed ... And they have told me that you think she is bold, strong and useful.

Veridian looked straight at me again, She is, Farragise. She is the best of people.