The moment Black Shadow left the monastery gate everything unfroze, and everything continued as normal, as if nothing was frozen before. A hawk that was frozen in the air continued its dive towards a mouse running across a field. A tree that was falling completed its plummet towards the ground.

Black Shadow was out of breath and needed to stop for a minute. Air filled his lungs with each breath, and with it a sharp pain from the previous lack of oxygen. The air around him was cool, but with the extreme distance he had just traveled the air felt hot. He traveled four hours, a total of three-hundred-thirty miles.

The sun began to rise shortly after, not the best time for Black Shadow to begin a hunt, but he could not wait. He thought back to what had happened. The man entered his home, the door was locked yet he entered with ease. He must have been a lockpick. He entered quiet enough to escape the ears of Black Shadow, so he was stealthy. He carried a knife yet no sword. He must have been an assassin of some sort.

Now what was so special about that bow? Black Shadow looked down at the instrument of death. It’s bright white glow just gleamed with power. Black Shadow pulled one of the arrows from his quiver and notched it. He pulled the string back and aimed at a nearby tree. Upon release the arrow burst into flames, flying on fire towards the tree.

In an instant, the entire tree exploded into flames, burning bright and hot. Black Shadow shielded his eyes, the fire burning bright as the sun. It was a magnificent sight, one that was not at all expected. Black Shadow looked down at the bow and realized now why the man wanted it. This weapon was dangerous, and in the wrong hands was dangerous to anyone.

Black Shadow looked at the tree after the fire died down, the arrow was still there, undamaged. He walked over to the tree and pulled the arrow from the now burnt trunk. Examining the arrow, he noticed that the shine that was there before was almost non-existent, yet still there. The designs that were etched into the shaft were now black, and slowly appearing to become white again.

Black Shadow wondered at this amazing sight, and pulled one of his own steel arrows from his quiver. Upon firing the arrow from the bow, nothing happened. Whatever happened could only happen when the two were used together.

This bow could not be taken by this man, he must keep it hidden and safe. Black Shadow began to run, he knew of a place, a dark cave to hopefully hide, and if his enemy found him there, he would end everything, Black Shadow would kill him.

Trees zipped by on his run, the time seeming to slow down, everything feeling slow, he was angry, he was tired, and he was on a mission now.