The one thing that distinguished Shinsou from others was his ability to plan.

The plan had always been to extend the reaches and influences of the Brotherhood onto the international stage. As with anything in history, be it a business or an empire, expansion only came when all of the correct pieces fell into place at the correct times. Having had some experience of Salvar before, it naturally fell into the Telgradian's thinking as a future home for his world. So, when the invitation from Lord Farthingdale of Knife’s Edge fell upon his doorstep, it seemed as if one of the critical pieces of the Salvar puzzle had started to slide into place.

Back in the present, Lord Iverstead’s polite address had just finished, and the music resumed on the dying note of the Salvic nobleman’s speech. Shinsou’s eyes followed the owner of the manor out of the room until those golden irises set upon a certain face.

No way…

A certain face, indeed. One that had been sketched raw in charcoal and pinned on Shinsou’s wall a number of years ago. A man that he, Philomel van der Aart and Storm Veritas had set out to kill, and failed to even find.

The leader of the Crimson Hand, Lye Ulroke.

Some men prefer castles of splendour, drowning in luxury as they dictate the downfall of nations. Some base themselves instead in damp dark caverns far removed from civilisation, cackling maniacally as their plans come to fruition. Still others march at the head of armies of millions, directing the destruction in person. Lye Ulroke seemed to submit to none of the above approaches. His ‘lair’ for tonight was this wonderfully gay ballroom in the richest part of Salvar, dressed in his best attire, with a very pretty girl in his company.

Of course, circumstances change. Lye was no longer on Shinsou's blacklist, and had not been for many years. In fact, the understanding he now had was that the silver haired man he had set out to find five years ago was rumoured to be no longer in direct command of the Hand at all, with it being apparently dissolved. Lye had since allegedly made enemies within the Sway, who pre-occupied themselves with hunting him. As Shinsou propped himself up against the wall, his eyes caught Lye’s quick salutation to the man he knew to be Tobias Stalt.

So, if I have my angles right here, The Telgradian pondered, Lye is being hunted by the Sway. The clergy of the Sway are currently here, and it looks as if Tobias is a part of that little congregation. Two of the biggest political influences, and possibly obstacles, to the Brotherhood’s progression into Salvar are now making eyes at each other across the breadth of this room.

“Perplexing, isn’t it? They share a room, but their ideals could not be further apart.”

Osiris found himself startled by the young Lady Farthingdale, who had returned from her posturing and mingling. Leaning forward, her neatly trimmed bangs – a blond that was almost golden – cascaded over her forehead.

“These men and their institutions could be the key to the Brotherhood’s success, or failure, in Salvar,” Shinsou returned, deliberately meeting the pout with a calculated look. “Lye Ulroke is probably the man I could most find common ground with; I can’t say I am fond of the anti-magic doctrine the Sway take. That said, Tobias Stalt is a man I know very little about, other than he holds some influence within the Sway. The Church of the Ethereal Sway itself is probably the larger of the two entities. One thing I do know is that both of them wield power and hold influence in areas of interest to me.”

“Perhaps, then, your goal here is to provide for both, in some way.” Lady Farthingdale observed from the far side of the richly-decorated stateroom. “The Brotherhood have money, and in you they have power. The Sway could perhaps be bought, or bargained with. Lye Ulroke, however…”

“Yes,” Shinsou interjected, “He is a different creature altogether. No amount of money will buy Ulroke. So, I have to have something worth trading. Security, perhaps? I doubt I’d be able to reason with the Sway to call off their dogs, but perhaps we can come to another type of understanding…”

“You’ll do well to not underestimate him though, Shinsou,” Lady Farthingdale cautioned with a wagging finger, “He may not be the head of the Crimson Hand anymore, but he still has connections, and power. Lye is a good ally to have, but a dangerous enemy to make. There’s a fine line between the two in Salvar, as you’ll learn. This isn't Corone anymore.”

“Then, I shall tread carefully.”

Sudden laughter drew the Telgradian’s attention, a young man with fine blonde hair and handsome features shakily parading his champagne flute around the edge of the dance floor. His companions were roaring with mirth. The withering glance Lady Farthingdale cast in the direction of the blonde man was enough to shut him up almost immediately and elicit a small smile upon Shinsou’s face.

Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, He thought, as he excused himself from the Lady’s presence and began to approach Tobias Stalt. After a moment's travel through the labyrinth of moving bodies, the Telgradian found himself stood in front of the grim looking Witch Hunter. He bowed slightly at the hip, a silent honorific to show respect.

"Tobias Stalt, I believe?" Shinsou asked poiltely, "My name is Shinsou Vaan Osiris. I was wondering if we could speak in private?"