I looked up to the faceless shadows. My speech was nearly done. With my mental persuasion, this would come along smoothly. I closed the book and tucked it under my arm. Firm and calculating, I spoke.

"I have no existing disorder to diagnose her and other similar people with. However, disorders are diagnosed when the individual causes harm to others and oneself, when it gets in the way of regular living. I believe that with your support, I can crack the code."

I stepped closer to the heads, eagerness and energy pushing me forward, "I have a proposition. I will need resources and gold, but I can make it happen! With your grace, I can help these individuals and all of Althanas." My footsteps echoed across the stone floor.

"It would be a rehabilitation program." I smiled, "I would bring these prodigals into a camp where they can relearn to livr safely in society, have therapy to set their thinking straight, and training programs to learn trade skills. I believe rehabilitation is more important than punishment."

I smirked, "But of course, it would still be heavily guarded and secure." I lifted an intelligible finger, "But here is the best part. These people, already skilled in combat, can aid in our cause. They can arrest other criminals and bring them here, assassinate those who are too dangerous to be kept alive. They can do the dirty work that most prisons, most governments, do not want to. They are still prisoners, afterall. They still are bound to us until they work off their sentence."

I cleared my throat, "It will require a castle grounds with multiple buildings available and a strong gaurd. It should be more focused on not getting out than getting in. I will need the best psychologists and therapists as well. Nothing I'm sure you cannot do, my friends."

I put my hand behind my back, "So... What do you say?"