
Stepping out into the sunlight and coarse, gruff sand, Felicity Rhyolite growled as he pulled her elkan round shield off her back. Her lisp made the R and L of that single statement slurred, but her voice screamed of annoyance. "It had to be like Fallien??"

Her tame burgundy shorts, green shirt, and magim leather jacket modestly swayed in response to her movements. Her hair was pulled back into a simple braid, streaks of neanderthal war paint coated under her eyes. Standing side by side with the more mature brunette, the youth glared through the blinding light and looked at their opponent.

Simple outfit, cool blades. . . "Hey, what do your weapons say?" The girl pulled out a delyn arming sword from her sheath. Holding it out, the girl let the metal dazzle in the rays of sunlight, "Mine says My Heart Is-"

"-Not important, Felicity." Her serious partner growled.

Immediately catching herself, the girl cleared her throat. Putting her weapon back in her sheath, the girl pulled off her leather jacket, which already burned in the blazing heat. As the jacket fell, causing a puffy cloud of sand to come up, she pulled her shield in front of herself and drew her sword again. As the weapon glistened, held out at her waistline, Felicity looked her teammate.

As the young woman's blue tunic blew in the light and still unrelieving desert winds, she whipped out her damascus hand in a half sword and raised in in the Wrath Stance. She muttered two words, "Maneuver Eleven."

"'Kay, Ashla." Felicity understood. Smirking, she made the team's first move against their opponent.

The fury redhead immediately rushed their opponent. Moving to close the little distance between them, Felicity put into practice a move she learned from studying HEMA. Her plan was to strike his blades with her shield, bashing him and off balancing him. If this worked, she would follow up with a low strike cutting up. Her shield always kept close, she would still keep left side protected as her right made the risky cut.

Ever watching her back, Ashla would rush in from her right. Switching to using her right hand for Felicity's sake, Ashla would keep her sword in the Longpoint Guard, keeping her right side defended as well.

Would this attack work? How much skill did this humble appearing man truly posses? As the sand around them shifted, the winds quickening as if they themselves were thrilled with the concept of battle, the clashing of blades began.