Nevin was rapidly drumming his fingers on the counter as he feverishly scratched notes on the paper in front him. He glanced up slightly when frost spread on the table, reading the message quickly.

"One of the people here in town regularly is an Elf. Another Elf works in a local smithy.
This town is actually more likely to think you are a sick child than an Elf."
He blinked, and his face turned slightly red as he saw the second note form after the child had picked up the medicine on the counter. That damn rumor was hanging around??

"You.. Must have misheard something, I don't have a child. I am a single, unattached man." Now considering the matter closed, Nevin returned his attention to his formula book, trying to figure out what he could use to make the medicine work as intended. He had figured out an option for an oral application, but... The alchemist frown. Maybe he was looking at this wrong. The boy was a Fae, even if he claimed to be an adult Nevin was still thinking of him as a boy, his language choice didn't correspond with advanced maturity, probably would not be receptive to the same types of diseases that normal humans would find concerning. And as for the direwolf, it would have to be an abysmal member of the species to do more than scratch at the bites. No, they didn't need the full medicine at all.

What they needed was a topical analgesic, something similar to what was in the candies on his counter. Nevin glanced up for a moment then back down, not registering what he had seen. Then Nevin's dark red eyes shot back upwards, skimming the message before focusing on the.... boy who was now looking like a chipmunk with his cheeks stuffed full of candy, his eyes glassy as he stared unseeing at his arm. Nevin had seen that expression before, and he thought for a moment before biting back a vicious curse. The analgesic in the candy must not work on Snow Fae - at least not as a numbing agent. He rushed around to kneel by the boy.

"Young Fenn, I need you to spit out the candies, OK? They're not good for you." Inwardly he was cursing his idea of putting that agent in the candies. It wasn't necessary, just meant to be a bit of fun for the kids, and now he had drugged up a child!