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  1. #2

    Child Detective's Avatar


    Silvester Corinth

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    Focus: Culprit
    The figure poured the contents of the bottle into a glass of wine and threw the bottle out a window into the streets. A waiter then came in and took the wine to the outdoor eating area and handed it off to a robust man in fancy cloths. The man took a sip of the wine and suddenly began to choke and sputter before he fell to the floor. A woman at the next table saw the man fall and screamed.

    Focus Change: Sylvester
    Sylvester had decided to take a stroll through town and had just made it to the outskirts when he heard the woman’s scream. Sylvester ran to where he heard the sound and saw a waiter shaking a man who was not responding. Sylvester then ran up to the man and checked for a pulse, there was none.

    Sylvester then turned towards the waiter and said, “It’s too late, he’s gone.” The woman screamed again as Sylvester suddenly noticed a strange smell coming from the man’s mouth. It smelled like almonds. Sylvester remembered that he had read something about almond smell before but he couldn’t remember where. Quickly he thought, ‘Almond smell, dead body’ and he felt a book be taken off the shelf of the Infinity Library. Sylvester then yelled, “Call!”

    A book landed in his outstretched hands with it being opened. Sylvester looked at the title of the chapter which read, “Cyanide Poisoning” Sylvester blinked then started to read, “Cyanide poisoning is a common form of assassination. It is untraceable until it’s too late to save a victim and most people don’t know that the victim has been poisoned due in part to it only having one way of being discovered, the smell of almonds escaping from the victim’s mouth.”

    There was much more that the book said and a few words that he didn’t know. However, he now knew this was a murder case. So with a steel look in his eye he ran over to the Knight’s Bell next to the cafe and rang it. The bell was made to send out a magic signal which told the knights that which bell rang. He then went back over to the crime scene and waited for the knights.

    Focus Change: Culprit
    The figure heard the bell ring and ran outside. He asked the waiter “Why was the Knight’s Bell rung?”

    The waiter said, “I don’t know, that boy checked out the body then suddenly ran over and rang the Knight’s Bell, I don’t know why he didn’t ring the Moorage’s Bell? The man probably died by a heart attack.”

    The child then looked up and said, “It wasn’t a heart attack, this man was poisoned.”

    The other guests gasped and the waiter asked, “Are you sure about that?”

    The boy nodded and said, “I’m positive. If you want, we can confirm this when the knights and the local detective arrives.” He then went back to looking at the body as all the people in the restaurant started to murmur about the possibility of a murderer and the boy who claimed to know it was a murder.

    The figure then said, “Huh, like a kid would be able to tell if a man was murdered. He’ll be in trouble when the Knight’s arrive and find out that a kid was the one who called them. Not to mention the detective who hated to have his time wasted.” The figure then stood and watched as the kid looked over the body with only the tiniest hint of a shiver to prove that he was indeed affected by the body before him.

    Soon the sound of horse hooves on the cobblestone road could be heard as the local knights made their way to the scene.
    Last edited by Child Detective; 11-14-2017 at 04:04 PM.
    "…when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
    Sherlock Holmes
    The Blanched Soldier

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