"You're looking for the bird brat, arent'cha?" Nevin paused in his steps. The alchemist had been politely asked to leave two more shops after his last attempt at entering an herbalist's shop. They wanted to deal with his business, and nothing more - a situation that was rapidly becoming infuriating. So he had decided to take a break, and was sitting outside at a food stall, chewing on some kind of meat sandwich. The man who had spoken was the storekeep - and he looked like a very rough and worn man, who had seen far more of life than his age should have let him. In other words, a normal man living in a difficult city. I raised an eyebrow at the man - I had mentioned that I was looking for someone a couple of times, but only gotten to ask one employee about Stare before the manager forced me out of the store. "Don't go looking at me with those suspicious eyes, man. Word travels fast when a stranger comes to town. We have to let each other in on when someone's a threat. But you, you're just looking for someone else. We get a few like you who come through, looking for people who've run away. Look, friend, let me tell you this now. You should stop looking for her."

Nevin stood up, his food dropping to the ground as he stared at the man. "I - yes, I am but why in the name of -" He could scarcely believe it. The first person who had spoken to him for more than a few moments about something that wasn't 'Hey, you want this?' and the bastard was telling him to give up his search? Something of his anger and disbelief must have shown on his face, because the food vendor held up his hands placatingly.

"Look, friend, I'm just trying to help you out. That bird, she's the servant of a dangerous man. I'm just trying to keep you from getting involved with him - you seem like a nice enough guy, but he's not someone you want to cross." Nevin took a step back, his eyes wide. The man knew of - that made sense. From what she had told him, Vitruvion was in control of a large portion of the city after all. Still, that wasn't going to deter him. If for no other reason, Nevin was already well and truly in deep with Stare, and thus with Vitruvion. He sighed and shook his head.

"Your concern is appreciated, but unfortunately I'm already known to that man." The vendor's skin went pale. "I'm a colleague of Stare's from Corone. I was told she was here, but the information was taken from me." The vendor cursed under his breath for a moment before thinking. Finally he sighed.

"It's Thursday. The Lady will be working at Rossi's today, at least for part of the day. You should be able to find her there, or if not, you'll get directions on where to find her properly. I'm....sorry, for what it's worth." The man's concern was touching, but unnecessary for Nevin. The Alchemist got directions to this 'Rossi's' store, and began making his way there.


"Hello, pardon me miss." The woman at the desk gave Nevin a full body check, looking the man up and down several times before shaking her head dismissively.

"I'm sorry, but Mr. de la Rossi isn't available to take new customers for a few days. In the mean time I'd suggest sticking with one or two colors, not going for a mash like you've got. The black and crimson work well on your frame and with your hair, stick with those. I'll take your name down and you'll have to come back when he has time to see you." Nevin blinked and looked down at his body, trying to figure out what she was talking about. His clothes were comfortable and suited him, he thought. Then he realized the mistake in communication, and shook his head.

"No no, that's not what I'm here for -"

"Really? That's a shame, it really looks like you need an update to your wardrobe. Then you've come to the wrong place sir, good day." The woman cut him off, and Nevin felt one eyebrow twitch angrily. Being dismissed like this was quite infuriating, he found.

"Madam. I am a friend of Stare's, and was told I might find her here. Now, can you help me, or am I going to have to raise a ruckus to get your management out here?" His tone was as frosty as the anger churning his blood. The receptionist looked up, her eyes wide, and she stared at him for a moment. As he started to open his mouth again, her eyes flicked down to the whip on his waist and she froze, before paling further than the vendor earlier had.

"Oh Thaynes. Uh - I'll go see if she's in right now sir, please wait here!" The woman scrambled up from her desk and into the shop, leaving Nevin standing there in the lobby, his shoulders rising and falling slowly as he forced his anger down. It wasn't her fault that... no, wait, it was entirely her fault that she treated him like that. Even if this place was absurdly busy..... bah. He stalked over to one of the chairs and sat down to wait.