Nevin watched with a kind of horrified fascination as the abomination in the center for the room continued its grisly meals, taking body parts both from the platters, and any that fell off of the rotting zombies that were serving it. It was a sickening sight but one he found almost impossible to look away from.

"An- an explosive. I don't carry -" Nevin paused, and looked around the room again, his eyes suddenly gleaming as he examined the chamber once more. Was he, or was he not, a skilled alchemist? And were they not in what looked like it had once been an utterly massive kitchen? He had been distracted at first by the admittedly worrisome amounts of zombies that shuffled around them, but it seemed the undead creatures were far more concerned with not becoming a snack for the thing in the middle of the room.

But now that Nevin wasn't focused on the ugly creature, only on keeping far enough out of its range that he didn't join the menu, he saw there was more to this room than he had originally noticed. Namely, cubbies and alcoves set near the edge of the room, behind zombies in some cases. He looked to their left and right, and the walls closes to them, and saw more - and saw that inside of them, what he couldn't see from far away, was that there were jugs with various warning labels upon them. He grinned, a twist to his lips.

"Well. I might need you to buy me time if any of the zombies get too interested in us, but there are plenty of supplies here that I can use. It won't be a fire-based explosive, but, well, chemical bombs can corrode flesh very, very well." He gestured towards the cubbies and their somewhat dangerous contents.