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Thread: Almost Family

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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Ezra would most likely have been calmly accepting of whatever bizarre name Eteri gave them, but at the same time, Nevin felt he owed it to his apprentice to make sure that his… romantic interest - seriously they had to figure out what they were to each other. They were certainly at the least dating, and she was kind of living with him off and on, but at the same time neither of them had actually come out right and said it. No matter what the two of them were described as, beyond ‘together’ - Nevin had maybe, possibly messed up a little bit.

    He had known Eteri for weeks, just precious weeks, and in that time frame. Well. A fair amount had happened between them. And Nevin had been holding off on telling the people in his life about the new addition that he hoped would be around for some time to come. Ezra was the easier to reach, they lived on the same continent and everything, and yet he had still put it off - he could use the excuse of trying to prepare to take on the Alchemist’s Guild as reasoning for why he hadn’t wanted to leave Radasanth, but at the same time…

    Well, he was still awkward about talking to Ezra. They had cleared the air after his rather disastrously successful trip to the tower where the homunculus was created, but even now Nevin had trouble looking his apprentice in the eyes without seeing the petite waif of a Fae spirit that had … tormented him, and made a deal with him, in the basement of the tower. As he thought about that, he flicked his eyes to Eteri. They were two entirely different sensations, he thought in the back of his mind. Soft, warm, inviting lips, against chilled, faint brushes meant to tease him and confuse him.

    He shook the thoughts from his head when one of the village children came running up to him, her pale blue eyes wide as she grinned up at the two of them.

    “Mr. Nevin, Mr Nevin! You’re back!” Nevin gave Eteri a squeeze and knelt down next to the child, who grinned wider as he brought his face down to her level. “Do you have any new candies Mr. Nevin? OH!” The girl shot her attention to Eteri, who stiffened a bit in shock as the little girl ran over and thumped into her legs, looking up at her with wide, bright eyes.

    “You’re really pretty! Like a kitty! Are you going to be Mr. Nevin’s new wife?”

    Eteri tilted her head to the side, ears flicking back and forth. Nevin could tell by the look on her face that she was trying to process the words and translate them in her mind. “Eteri much like Nevin.” Eteri reached down and with a strength Nevin didn’t quite realise she had, she scooped up the little girl. Sliding her arms under the girls ups. Eteri stood and stared eye-level at the girl. “You is pretty soul. Like diamond. Very Sparkly you are.” The girl squealed in delight and hugged herself against Eteri, wrapping her little arms around the cat-girl’s head and squeezing as tight as she could. Nevin let out a laugh and stood up, then gently lifted the little girl away from Eteri.

    “Eteri isn’t from around her, Melissa. She is still learning, like you are. But I’ll answer, Eteri and I are together, but we aren’t married yet. Maybe someday though. Now, go on, scoot, and tell the others that I’m back in town and that there will be a fresh batch of candy in the next couple of days.” She grinned and hugged Nevin’s leg before running off. The alchemist watched her go, before shaking his head with a smile.

    “Well. You’ve certainly gotten a better reception here than in Radasanth. Come on honey, we’re almost to my store. Oh - I should probably warn you now, I also have a familiar. Uh, a magic animal that bonded to me. You haven’t met her yet, because she’s been here with Ezra.”

    Nevin jumped when Eteri shot him a glare. She seemed...almost angry about something. Wait - she had been very jealous before when he talked to women when she wanted his attention, was she upset about Aphrae-

    “WHY NEVIN NO TELL ETERI HE MAKE CANDY?” Nope. No, she was not. He swallowed. This… might be a problem. He gave her a wide grin.

    “OH LOOK THERE’S MY SHOP LET’S GO!” Aaaand Nevin demonstrated the better part of valor. Namely, he took off like a bat out of hell - or rather, like a cat after candy was chasing him. Long strides carried him to An Herbal Magick, and he paused only long enough to make sure the door was unlocked before bursting in.

    Oh, this was going to confuse Ezra, wasn’t it? They had never seen him so…. Energetic about something. He should probably stop and - Nope. He burst through the shop door, tumbling to the floor as Eteri literally tackled him to the floor. She sat on his back, straddling his waist as she tugged on his hair. “No run! Having you the now!” Nevin began laughing, a low, rolling sound as he laid there.

    Last edited by Nevin; 12-03-2017 at 09:01 PM.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

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