Her tiny jumped and frustrated mewls made it hard for me to concentrate. Damn, I felt a little bad about what what I had done to her. She’d figure it out soon. Eteri was quite astute when you gave her the opportunity to be. I continued to guide her down the path, and past the flowershop I suspected she bought the flowers from. The way the old woman at the stand looked at her and me, her eyes going wide, only confirmed that. I gave her a cold, hard smile and she seemed to wilt. Oh yes, she knew she had been caught out.

But dealing with her was for later. For now, I was going to be experimenting with just what fun I could get up to without giving the game away in public. Eteri had a faint blush on her cheeks and I knew that the aphrodisiac was working its way through her system. My hand on her waist slowly drifted upwards as we walked through the city streets, eventually coming to a rest right at the base of her tail.

She stiffened and shot a wide eyed glance at me, and I gave her a light smirk and pressed one finger against my lips, as the fingers of my hand on her back began slowly massaging her, dancing around her tail in a rhythmic motion. “Ne-neviiin…” Her voice was a soft, throaty whisper and I grinned wider.

“Come along honey, let's have some lunch.” She seemed to perk up at this, her ears flicking forward. Thankfully she kept pace with me, her hips swaying side to side as she ground against my hand ever so subtly. A few times she shot little glances at me from the corner of her eye, apparently hoping I would not see them. To humor her, I kept walking towards one of the local restaurants that were open for late lunches, only looking at her from time to time, making it obvious when I was going to do so.

We got to the restaurant, and the host smiled and held the door for us as we went in. He let the door swing shut and went to his small stand, and looked to us.

“Just the two of you today?” I nodded from above Eteri’s head, and the man gave an affable nod before taking some menus to show us to a table.

The interior of the restaurant was somewhat dimly lit. It looked to have been a defensive structure that got converted at some point - the windows were tiny arrow slits, barely letting in slivers of the afternoon sunlight. To counter this, the management had low hanging braziers towards the center of the room, flames dancing low in the iron bowls. It gave the place a dark, mellow, smoky atmosphere without seeming overly foreboding.

The host led us over to a small table for two set against one of the outside walls, and he leaned over to apologize to me. “I'm sorry about the poor lighting sir. We’re getting ready for a large party, and they've requested the seats nearest the braziers.” I waved him off, shaking my head as I took the menus and handed one to Eteri as we sat down. In truth, this actually worked better for my plans.

Eteri sat quietly, waiting until the host had left before she shoved the menu at me. “”Eteri want meat.” Her voice was stubborn and she didn’t even try glancing down to see what she was interested in. Instead her eyes were locked onto mine, flashing in the dim light of the fire closest to us. That was fine with me - food was really quite secondary to why I’d chosen this place. I nodded as one foot slid forward and pressed between hers, and I reached out and set one of my hands on top of hers, covering it up.

“You’ll get all the meat you could want, honey. Some of it will just have to be at home though.” I gave her a mischievous smile as I slowly ran threads up her arm, letting her feel them dance along the top of her skin. Her eyes shot down to stare at her arm, and at the red lines running just over the surface, then up to me. I smirked and pulled them back from her arm - but others were now slowly sliding up her leg, blocked from sight by my leg and the table. Her mouth dropped open a bit in shock, but I could tell that the blush on her face was getting stronger.