I drew my hand away, “Nevin…” It was just a prick… maybe a bit more than a prick, blood still pooled from the pads of my finger. Why did he do that? We were in public, this wasn’t like back home.

He grabbed my hand again, his eyes narrowed. His actions almost automatic it seemed.... They didn’t carry the delicate finesse he usually had. He pulled my hand to his mouth.

“Nevin….” I hissed. “Public!”

He either didn’t hear me, didn’t care, or something else was on his mind. Either way, he ignored my plea to be more discreet and again, he pressed his lips to my fingers, his tongue darted out. I shivered at the odd sensation. “A-uhm…”

<”What? Is he a fuckin’ vampire now too?”> Ayaka muttered. At this Nevin finally let me go and I breathed a sigh of relief. I turned back to the Yakitori that Ayaka had bought for me. She said I needed to eat as much as possible, that I should stop only when I was full. Well… I was finally full.

<”Ayaka...I’m full.”>

<”Good.”> She said as she pushed her chair out from underneath her and began walking out. <”Well? C’mon then.”>

I blinked, how the heck was I supposed to know that she was just going to jump right up then and there? I gave Nevin a worried glance before getting up and following her out of the store. I gazed over my shoulder at Nevin who had followed, a strange, contemplative expression on his face. One of his hands was rubbing his throat, but he was frowning in thought rather than the pain he'd been in before. There was a furrow to his brow that didn't show up when he was hurting, one I recognized from watching him stare at his Alchemy.

<”Eteri! Did you hear what I said?”>

Oh crap….she had been talking and I hadn’t been paying attention….I guess that was nothing new. <”Sorry. I missed that. What did you say?”>

Ayaka sighed as she turned down the path toward the shrine.<”We’re gonna get you all dressed up. I suppose its good you got those holes in yer ears. Don’t have to pierce ‘em. Really… I think it’s a but much but hey, let the old fool do what he thinks is best.”>

<”What...is best?”> I asked, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach… ceremonial garb...eating till I was full… I almost didn’t want to ask, but I had to. I had to know.

<”Am I going into the solitary chamber of prayer? Isn’t that...only for high priestesses? I don’t have a right to-”>

Ayaka snorted. <”As I said, old man does what he wants. Yeh, yer going in there. Probably for a couple o’ days. They wanna try their own thing. It’s worked before on other volatile things such as this. You know how it goes. Boop, stuff on yer head - it’ll fly by, you’ll be high as a fuckin’ kite.”>

I nodded. I… understood the reasoning but I didn’t like it. I bit my tongue, I couldn’t possibly complain, especially to her of all people. Ayaka had spent weeks in that chamber. Not just days. She was revered around town, despite her total lack of soul abilities. She was a smart and astute woman.

I turned to Nevin. He wouldn’t have a clue what we were talking about, and it was probably for the best. I gave him a small smile. “Eteri will be dressing up in flowy clothes and the lots of the bells.”

Nevin gave me a strained smile. Was his throat still hurting? I was about to ask when - “Well, I'll look forward to seeing you in them for a little bit.” His eyes darted between me and Ayaka, that strange look in his eyes still. Then his hand dropped back to his side as he gave me a warmer smile. “And I'm sure you'll look stunning.”

I smiled at him and reached back to offer his hand a tight squeeze. I wasn’t sure when the next time I would be able to hug him would be...so even though it was frowned upon I wanted to be able to be in contact with him as much as possible.

We continued up the stairs and into the temple, it was wide and open with few nekojin dressed similarly to Ayaka dotted around the place. The building was wide, with slanted wooden slatted rooftops, and a large, welcoming entrance. Incense burners hung around the place and talismans dotted the walls. Things to ward off evil, bring luck, and fortune. All handwritten in neat, looped symbols.

The three entered the main temple and past the public praying area; into a back room. It as unassuming, white walls with thick tapestries hung on them. A long and low table sat in the middle, with cushions dotted around its edge. A single burner sat in the middle of the table.

I watched as Ayaka guided Nevin to sit cross legged at the low table. Incense filled the room, I hoped he didn’t mind the smell of sandalwood. Meanwhile… I had to follow her to the adjacent room where we continued our conversation.

<”Eteri.. You know, all shits n gigs aside...this is going to be straining for you...you’ll be high as fuck for sure, but it’ll tire you out. You’ll feel a lot of things you don’t normally feel. It’ll hurt.”>

I nodded, she gestured or me to take my clothes off and I knew that things were becoming serious. I was to be dressed in the ceremonial garb. It was similar to Ayaka’s, at least in colour. It was far more intricate and...flowy…

I was dressed in a red skirt that hung just above my knees at the front and fannend out at the back into two long strips, adorned with the symbols for white and black. She wrapped thin red ribbon around each of my arms and legs, in a criss cross pattern and tied them off in neat little bows at my wrists and ankles. It...sorta reminded me of Nevin, and it was oddly comforting.

<”This is hella easier with your smooth skin. Do ya have any idea how hard it is to fuckin’ do this to the furry fullbreeds?”> Ayaka said, it was a joke intended to lighten my spirits but I didn’t feel like laughing. This felt too serious. Too real.

Finally, I was given bells to dress my outfit in. In my ears, on my tail, against wrists, and hanging off of various places on the outfit. They weren’t just aesthetic. It was to drown out thoughts, and external noise. I had never been to the solitary prayer room but Ayaka had told me stories. Runes dotted the walls to generate a constant flow of gentle wind, to ensure the bells constantly rang. It was supposed to let us concentrate, to carry us away. I always assumed it would be more annoying than anything else.

<”Is that...everything?”> I asked. Ayaka nodded. <”Will… I be able to talk to Nevin before this all starts, alone?”>

Ayaka reached out to me and pressed her palm against my cheek. <”You’re a fuckin’ handfull. God you picked the worst fuckin’ fucker to fall for. I’ll see what I can do.”>

I nodded, that was as good as any yes rom her.

We left the room and I gave a nod to Nevin as I sat on the cushion next to him. Ayaka stayed standing, on the opposite side of the table. She turned to Nevin, “We gotta few minutes till the old man arrives.”