As he moved, Nevin pulled more of the blood tablets out of his pouch, preparing to expand them back into their liquid state and use them as more ammunition. The man was slow and methodical as he studied the injured beast - freezing when that large bull head slowly swung in his direction for a moment. Nevin prayed that its eyesight was terrible - wasn't the minotaur of legend meant to hunt with sound? - and stood stock still until with a loud snort the ophiotaurus looked away. Right. That had been mildly terrifying, but it seemed the immediate threat was past.

Nevin concentrated, scanning the beast. He was in the same side as its injured arm - which meant that that was going to be his immediate target. Force it to defend itself, or get hurt more, and possibly debilitate it. His hand under the orb of blood lifted up, reaching up almost as if he was holding on to the hilt of a javelin, his fingers not quite closing underneath a large jagged spire of red. The bull-serpent was distracted, looking away, and Nevin took the time to break another tablet and add the blood to the weapon - but this time, hardening and condensing the very tip, giving it additional weight. Then he waited, arm tensed for -

Motion, movement from Stare. She was beginning her attack. She burst from the treeline, shrieking loud cries - her native tongue, and probably insane curses at that. As the creature started to swing to face her, Nevin launched the spike of blood, hurling it for the beast’s wounded arm, aiming slightly towards the center of mass.

He was already breaking apart more of his condensed blood, getting ready to pelt the thing with more bullets of blood.

As the javelin aimed for the injury, Stare finished the decline of her war leap. High into the air had she leapt, and now she came to land with extended foot claws on the shoulders of the bull-serpent ophiotaurus. The one whose guts were said to be able to kill a god.

She hoped it would at least damage one.

The bull head reared back, shrieking out a mighty bellow. Tipping up its - his - face he hissed and stared the kenku right in the eyes. A deadly mistake. Roaring, he had both pain at his arm and a terror above. He clutched at his arm, roared at Stare. Another javelin hit him, but he seemed more bothered with her. Underneath him his great body began to writhe, swift and wriggling and struggling to throw the kenku off, but her eyes already had him in her sights.


Racing, she summoned every kind of detest she could remember, thinking of the first time Vitruvion had taken her, raw and cruel. Not allowed her any choice, simply stolen her virginity and her life in one go.

That hate for him in that time she threw at the ophiotaurus. Fury mixed in, but it was the hate that was the core of her attack. Right there, still atop the monster she balanced despite his thrashing and froze him in place. Stunned.

“Again!” she roared at Nevin.

She could only hold the creature for so long.