Nevin charged in, feet pelting the earth as he raced forward. With each step spires of blood were thrown - until he ran out, jagged red spikes jutting out of the creature in nearly a dozen places. It was already beginning to break free from her hold, and it looked like his attacks had weakened it, but they weren't enough. So with a grunt of exertion, Nevin pulled, ripping the spikes of blood free. He lifted both hands above his head as the bull began struggling more - and all the blood that was splashing the ground, and hovering in the air, began swirling together.

With a cry of effort, controlling this much blood was draining him rapidly, Nevin swung his hands down, bringing what was effectively a massive weight of blood with a single, hardened edge down onto the ophiotaurus. Even as that attack fell, he ripped his whip free from his waist and lashed out for the injured arm - the Plynt barbed whip would start drawing out more blood from this damn thing as soon as the barbs sunk in.

The ophiotaurus bellowed in agony and fear as he was bitten a dozen times and more by Nevin's darts of death. Hissing he curled and recoiled his body, trying to shake off the kenku from his shoulders but she dug down with the constructed barbs on her hind claws. As the huge wave of blood came crashing towards the beast she clung on with feet and gauntlet, gripping as the once stunned monster was assailed mercilessly. It had a harsh, sharp edge that stabbed into him from the front and she felt the beginnings of his fall. Allowing herself to dig her claws out of his back she ducked fast and then launched into the air. Beneath her the ophiotaurus fell onto his back, crushed by Nevin's power.

She landed, but she did not let this finish yet. He had to die to be of use to her. After coming into contact with the earth she twisted back around and began to stab at where his torso met his tail, conscious not to be too near the abdomen, where his guts that she needed were. Using her eyes as much as her dagger she began to send jolts of pain through him, her aim to keep him down. Her logic followed that as she was attacking the place where his weight was centred he would have more trouble getting back up. As she kept it up she hissed back at Nevin.

“His neck. Avoiding hitting the stomach.”

His neck, hmm? Nevin let his man-made whip fall slack to the earth, it's barbs still slowly drawing blood from the beast. As Stare kept the creature at bay, locked in pain, Nevin decided exactly how he would end this. Even a mighty beast such as this had to breath.

Foot upon foot of red threads sprang from both of his arms and wrists - some wrapping around his limbs, the rest twirling together into powerful whips. Beneath his clothes, more threads wrapped around the rest of his body, reinforcing the man as he darted forward, shooting past Stare with a loud cry.