I snorted, laughed - and stood up slowly. She was either trying to ignore her arousal, or refused to accept it. That was fine. I didn't care if she saw that this had gotten me hard - she wouldn't try to capitalize on it, and neither would I. I left the drake fang on the rocks beside her and rolled my shoulders, relishing the sting that her nails and teeth had left. This woman - this damn woman.

“I suppose we have, at that.” I reached out and drew my coat on her shoulders closed. Ignoring the feeling of possessive pleasure at seeing her swallowed up by my clothes.

As I drew close she wrapped her injured leg around me, forcing me closer still. I could feel the twitching muscle against my back. She leaned forward and slid into the water. I raised an eyebrow - I was anchoring her, it seemed. Fuck, but I could feel her heat against my stomach. Her taut, ample breasts pressed up against my chest as she breathed into my ear. “I haven’t forgotten what I said to you that night.”

Then, with a snort, she pulled away. I let out a snort and shook my head. She was trying to infuriate me it seemed, to drive me wild. “I haven't forgotten it either. But there are other things more important than making you scream in pleasure and pain for me.” She looked - affronted. My hand snaked out and long dark fingers coiled around her neck, tightening and pulling her up onto her toes.

“When I take you, you will be screaming. You will be bleeding, and I may just decide to see what's on your bones. But - not now.” I let her go, and she fell back to her feet heavily, staring at me.

“What the fuck midnight man. My bones get you that much?” I raised an eyebrow - she was trying to cover up the fact that I had flustered her. I snorted and turned away, and I heard a note of disappointment in the sigh.

“Oh, it's not your bones. It's your pain. And the fact that you enjoy hurting. But at the same time… HmHmm.” I shook my head. At the same time - I knew she also did want sex. Just, as infrequently and tied to the same things I did.

“You're feeling better at last.” I paused, and looked over my shoulder at her. She still - she still hadn't figured I out why I had been thrown off this morning? I sighed and took pity on her.

“Silly woman. I was in a ‘funk’ because you stopped holding onto me from my lap.” I started to turn to walk away

“What?” She sounded shocked. I paused, and looked over my shoulder at her again, raising one white eyebrow.

“I liked you cuddling into me for warmth. Now shall we get back to town?” I wasn't made of stone. A woman that in some way I cared about was holding onto me cuddling against me for my warmth? Of course I enjoyed that.

“I see. Yea.” She still sounded shocked, and it took a moment for her feet to start after me. I snorted and led the way back to town. She remained silent, contemplative, as we left the trees. Well, it seemed I had given her yet something else to think about. Woo, three for three for me, I suppose. I might have enjoyed her cuddling with me - but I wasn't going to go out of my way to seek it.

The hugs not-withstanding. Those were - because she was falling into corruption, and they helped. Never mind that the whole damn reason I knew about that was because when this tiny woman had curled into my lap, tension had bled from her frame, and the cracks had slowly begun to heal. Damn it. Damn it. That's all it was, all it could be. Relationships could only come when you were done being a hunter.

“You know for someone so against making connections you sure are doing a damn good job of creating, maintaining and well- just this one.” She jutted a thumb between me and her. I tilted my head, studying her. It was, I suppose - true.

“It's what you need.” I shrugged, once. I was going to rationalize our friendship that way. I was going to ignore that she knew my name. And the feel of my lips. She needed someone close, to help her.

She scoffed. “Are you sure its just me Mr selfish midnight man.” I blinked. Ah. Whoops. I had admitted that, hadn't I.

“I told you. I enjoyed your heat. Does it matter? We both know we can't have more.” I growled. I had turned around to stare at her, fully facing her.

She seemed pensive. “damn we’re too fuckin alike.” She muttered as she shoved her hands into the jacket pockets.

“yeh...yeh you're right.” I snorted. I know I was.

“I can't have a real relationship until I retire. And you, not until you can trust again. So here we are, a pair of people who know they can't have connections, but starting them anyway. Fuck, we’re messed up.” I watched her.

She grinned. “Says the man who gets off on feeling bones.” At least she was perking up.

“To the woman who gets off on having her bones felt.” I retorted, smirking.

She laughed. An actual honest laugh. She raised a hand to hide her laughter. “You have me there.” Her laughter - sounded good. This wasn't the dark, malicious thing she sometimes used. It was - healthy, happy laughter. How long had it been for her since she laughed like that, I wonder.

“There, and almost on that riverbank.” I wagged my eyebrows exaggeratedly at her, then smirked.

She gave me a playful shove with her shoulder. “more than one type of bone.” I paused, and curled my lip.

“Why, dawn girl, are you offering to feel up my bones? I didn't know you wanted it in you - I mean, didn't know you had it in you.” I chuckled.

“So what if I am? Too late now. Too bad.” I shook my head.

“Alright. Alright. As much as I would love to banter with you further - we are almost back to town. You should return to your base, and I… Should find something to do.” I shook my head. I fought back the heavy heart that wanted to take her with me. She couldn't. She had to go back to her Master. I was nowhere near in a state that could challenge that man. No, something else would need to happen.

“Fil’ayn stop.” she hissed.

The atmosphere had changed. She wasn’t laughing, she seemed tense. I shifted, one hand moving to the Saw-Spear.

Before us stood a tall man wearing black leather. His long silken silver hair hung straight down to his waist. Emerald eyes, dark and dangerous stared us down. He lifted up a hand and then slammed it down to the floor. Scarlet immedietly followed suit. I glanced over at her to see tendrils of shadows. Literal shadows coiled around her neck arms and legs.

Fuck. This was him. I let go of my blade and bowed my head, not looking at him.

“You’re such a disappointment.” He drawled as he tugged. She was dragged along the dirt, naked and choking toward him. His shadows had peeled my coat from her, leaving it behind. I - wanted to challenge him. Wanted to help her - but I could not. She did not want it.

As she neared him he reached down and with a flick of a hand drew a knife across her throat. “You never learn, Scarlet.” He hissed at her as he pulled her up from the ground by her hair. “Another Shinsou. Another ronin.” He spat at her before the light faded from her eyes. He snorted and picked her up, slinging her over his shoulder like she was a useless carcass.

The man turned his back on me, not even acknowledging me. I bared my teeth, anger flashing in silver eyes - but I did not move. I had nothing on this man. Sure, I was faster in reflexes than a normal man, stronger - but this man was that and more far more. So he walked away, carrying dawn girl’s lifeless body. And I had to watch him go, knowing that - when next I saw her, if I ever even saw her again, she would be back to that broken, rotted husk that had called me, desperate and drunk. Or worse. I fought beasts - and there went a man bound and determined to create one.