Stare’s eyes focused as she rounded on the cat-being, the ears poking from that mess of indigo, wild hair. As silver metal glinted the cat moved her own multi-coloured essence onto that of the plainly forest green man - around the age of 45 his aura told Stare. A touch of her wild aura onto his, with its myriad shimmering colours, a rapid flash and part of the green’s man’s aura separated - yes, separated - from that of the whole and rushed, swelling over and into the lithe forms that spiralled around the cat-girl. What was more the man deflated, sinking to the ground, his breath spilling out of his lungs in a rush.

Black eyes wide with a mixture of horror and confusion Stare began to feel a throb at her temples as she looked at the soul snatcher. Difficult it was to try to define one piece from another, one bone-coloured snip from an imperial purple sliver. They all seemed to be part of a great sea, a mass of them with their tethers on a cape that billowed like a starry cloud from the cat-girl’s back, and others simply floating around her with no seeming base at all. Because of the mass of them it took the kenku time to realise that in fact not one of them was a whole aura, that in fact they were parts and segments, like that she had taken from the green man. And at their centre was -

Nothing. A big, black void.

Tilting her head very slowly, Stare narrowed her eyes, looking the girl slowly up and down. Though the swimming auras were still giving her a headache, she could still keep her sanity and resolution - after all she had not survived four months in a hell hole on nothing. Clacking her beak in the frustration the sight was giving her, but not completely willing to bring herself out of it just yet, Stare stepped right in the way of the cat-girl as she walked forwards.

“You,” she said in the common tongue, her words fluid and thick with distaste. “What did you just do to that man? How did you take his … essence?”

Her eyes darted around until she saw the forest green plume dance around a satchel that Stare was beginning to figure out held some of these sections. Though they were not tethered like that cloak she wore they still seemed focused around it, swimming through the air at only minor lengths.

Folding her arms across her chest, dressed in rich, brocaded leather, Stare deliberately got in the woman’s way. She was not much smaller than her - there was perhaps a couple of inches in it, and so the kenku did not feel very intimidated by size, which was often the case. Instead she found she could tilt her beak up and to the right slightly to fix the woman with one beady, fully black eye.

“What did you do?” she asked again, pushing for an answer, moving as the cat did. Intriguingly more human than the kenku species though. She only had the ears and tail of a cat it seemed, the rest was skin and normal, expected structure.

She leaned closer and quietly gave her last query:

“And why do you have a black hole at your own centre? Just what are you?”