I didn’t exactly want the gross soul leech. The things could live for years without sustenance, and I didn’t want it escaping into my satchel and gobbling up all the souls I had kept away. Still. It might be useful. I could use it to threaten someone, or as a bartering tool.

Maybe someone would buy it from me. I could pretend it was a rare and exotic creature and get a thousand gold. No, ten-thousand gold! I gave Stare a smirk as I shoved the vial deep into the satchel.

She wasn’t looking at me, instead she was conversing with the man. Oh. He healed up quickly. The creature must not have been there for very long. I guess that’s a good thing? I mean - if he had died then all his stuff would have been mine. Err… ours - I probably would have to share it with Stare. Oh well.

“Ah!” I exclaimed as I slammed my hands down on the benchtop, jarring both the man and Stare from their conversation. “Yes! Barchie! That is place! Place Eteri go!”

Stare nodded and looked back to the man. “Could you draw us a map perhaps? Or describe where it is?”

The man blinked before he nodded and said some words and phrases in common that seemed to be full of meaning. At least the kenku nodded as if she understood, but once or twice I saw her frown and ask him to repeat what he said. After a while of this Stare finally nodded and turned to me.

“Right,” she said, “I think I have it. Shall we?” She gestured at the door.

My ears tapered as I stared at the Kenku. She had switched back to tradespeak. I could understand her fine, but it felt...disappointing I couldn’t hear my native tongue anymore. Ah. Oh well!. I gave Stare a nod and followed her out the door.

For a bird, she actually wasn’t half bad. She spoke my language. That was a plus. She wouldn’t let me run out on the bill, ehhh… I suppose it was good to have morals. She gestured me to follow, I had nothing better to do.

<”You...did a good thing back there.”>

I tilted my head at the Kenku’s words. <”Mmm? With the soul leech?”>

<”Symbiote yes. Is- your hand ok?”> Stare glanced down to my swollen hand.

Oh...I lifted up my hand. It...did not look pretty. Where the creature had bitten me there was a mark surrounded by a gray tinge. It was also very swollen. I tried to wiggle my fingers but they didn’t respond. “Mmmmm….” I poked the skin. It felt squishy.

<”I think it has a numbing bite. It should wear off in a few hours. Uhm...maybe. Probably.”>

I gave it a wave and watched my hand flop around in mild amusement, I turned to stare who narrowed her eyes and looked away.

Stare cleared her throat. <”That is not healthy. We are now at your … Barchie’s.”>

Oh! I looked to the store that she had gestured to and my face lit up. <”Yes! Barchie’s store~”> I half skipped over to the window and pressed my face to it to see if Ven was in there. I saw an old man behind the counter who upon seeing me winced then waved. <”That’s Barchie.”>

I turned to look at Stare again. <”I would have found this place eventually. But thank you I think. Maybe.”> It wasn’t the best form of thanks, but I wasn’t good at that sort of thing. Not with words. So instead I stepped in and wrapped my arms around Stare’s slender frame. She stiffened in my grasp.

I stepped away and wrinkled my nose. She felt odd. All feathery. But warm. <”You’re not bad for a Kenku.”>

The kenku was still caught off guard by my hug. Her eyes were wide and she simply stared at me as I smiled and walked off.

I gave her a final wave before ducking into the store, holding my arms out wide. “BARCHIE!” I shouted in delight.

He did not look like he shared my enthusiasm