It would be so fucking easy to kill this fucking bastard right here and right goddamn now. I growled as he pulled away from dawn girl - I hope you enjoyed that asshole because it may very well be the last time you ever lay those disgusting hands or lips on a woman. I turned away as he spoke to her - and slipped into a hole in the roof. The fucker had clearly bought the cheapest house he could find, to move in quickly.

I had to move quickly. This fucker had already laid those disgusting lips on her once. She may not be my wife - and oh, that thought burned like fire - and she likely would sleep with whoever the hell she wanted - but this, this fat, disgusting cow of a man, our prey? He would not touch her one moment more than necessary.

I had no time for subtlety. I gave myself, no time for stealth. As I moved swiftly, searching the upper floor for the stairs downward. As I moved - I came across a scarred man, closing a door and locking it. Before the door closed, I had time to see a frightened, small, naked boy, clutching himself with tears rolling down his face. I didn't hesitate - sharp, stattaco footsteps brought me to the man as he turned around - and my fingers drove into his throat, plunging straight into the soft flesh. His eyes widened and he tried to cry for help - but it was far too late for him. His words came out a wet, bloody gurgle, and I ripped my hand out from his skin. He stood there for a moment - then collapsed. I kicked his body away and unlocked the door - but didn't bother opening it. Let the boy work up the courage to investigate himself and learn of his freedom on his own. There - the stairs. I rushed to them.

It was the first floor now. The main hall. Ahead I could see - by the unholy empty moon those were her fucking clothes! Something had to be up - we were inside. She should have just killed the bastard. That was what she was here for. I scooped up the clothing and shoved it in my bag, then turned and raced through the halls, searching for where they had gone. As I moved, I came across a stick thin, bitter faced shrew of a woman. I could see why the animal keeper hadn't fed her to his beasts - they would likely die from choking on her bones. She went down to a broken neck, and I kicked her corpse under a table before leaving it. I did see a ring of keys on her belt - I snatched them up. There was a heavy one - labeled ‘basmnt, kayges’. Shit. There was another level. I took off, searching for - there. A door, locked, with a heavy lock that matched the key in my hands. I slipped the key into the lock, and stared into the dark stairs leading down for a moment. I took a breath, and moved down.

I came down to see her with the man, her...naked with him. He ran his hands along her body and was whispering….shit he knew who she was? And he was taunting her? Saying something about sedating her? She...she looked pretty sedated.

They stood before the cage of a large, four legged animal. It's body was that if a lion, strong, powerful legs moving it back and forth, pacing within the cage. It had an angry, roaring face, snarling as it stared at then pair in front of the door to the cage. From its back, where it's tail should be - came a massive, waving scorpion stinger, a thick, green poison dripping from the stinger on the end. This fucking - he had a moon damned MANTICORE?!

“I think I’m going to fuck you - then...I’m going to watch the Manticore fuck you. I wonder if crossbreeding is a thing?” The man hissed at Scarlet.”

I saw red. Fury boiled in my veins, driving rational thought far and away. I drew my blade and began pacing forward. I had planned on watching dawn girl kill this bastard, to see how she worked when she wasn't in emotional conflict - ignoring the amount of conflict we created in each other that is. But - but. This fucker had clearly done something to her. I was going to kill him slowly. Flay him, toss his skin in to his pet there, then slowly dismember him and keep him alive as I fed him piece by piece to his fucking Manticore. I came up, raising my blade above my head to strike him with the oak haft - and froze.

I hadn’t seen it, till now but Scarlet...she already had her hand in his chest. Where her hand had penetrated his chest thick lines of black and green tore through his skin. Signs of poison. The man was screaming, silently screaming. Being kept alive only by her girp. HIs veins throbbed tightly against his head and his mouth foamed with white froth. His eyes were bulging. Bloodshot. Clear signs of a silent torture.

Blood dripped down her arm. She gave a twist before she ripped out his heart, snapping muscle and sinew from his chest. “Hunter? What are you doing?” She - she was OK. My body deflated in relief - she was OK. Rage and fury sapped out of my body, leaving me drained for a moment. Without thinking, I leaned against metal.

“You're OK…” Was all I managed to get out - before my in attentiveness bit me. Or stung me. A stinger shot out towards me - and I barely had time to get my left arm up to intercept it. The manticore’s stinger slammed into me, scraping against stone, and the force of the blow flung me like a rag doll.

“Fuck!” Scarlet swore.