I slowly turned my gaze from them to Taka - Zero, whatever the warrior might be called at this point. I drew in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. I couldn't quite hear what they were saying - but I knew it could not be good if Advencia was bouncing about so happily. She had, so far, been aggravated about every single thing to do with him - so for her to be so excited, Dawn girl must have said something that made her think she'd keep her distance from me. I sighed.

“She has been - healing. Recovering.” I gestured to the seat across from me. “You.. Seem to have known her before she was forced through what that bastard demon mage did to her. Am I wrong?” As I spoke, I returned the bag of coins from my last contract to one of the pockets inside my coat, and picked up the papers that she had thrown down. I was tapping them on the table as I watched him. I hadn't been lying when I spoke earlier - I liked this man more than nearly anyone else I knew of who was associated with the Hand. Which, granted, was now a total of four people but I didn't like the psycho midget or Ulrokedono too much at the moment - both of them seemed far too invested in turning Amari into the destructive nothingness.

“You are not. What is left of that woman is bitter memories and pain. You would be wise to not try to bring her back. Consider this, if you knew that at one time she used to care and have actual relationships, would bringing her back be a positive? Or would you be awakening her to a nightmare of decisions that have seen her burn every bridge she ever built?” The thumb pressed upon the tsuba and the blade clicked, free of the lock in the sheath, but not drawn yet.

“Do.. You know what will happen, if their end goal for her is reached?” I turned to stare at the mask on his face. “I would much prefer her see a renewed chance at life, and an opportunity to even attempt to try to make amends - or to suffer for what she has done - than what will be the result if this continues.” I set the file of papers down, unopened.

“You have no concept for what you speak of. If she were to be punished, it would be with death. She destroyed every man, woman, and child in a nearby village then turned on the one person she called friend and reduced her to ash. She twisted a man who loved her and tormented him for a week, just so she could be sure he wouldn't do what you are trying to do. You are treading a fine line, and it is only a matter of time before she decides to destroy your life for her amusement,” Zero replied, his voice thick with bitterness, “That is what she has chosen, that is who she is, and if you continue down this path I will put you down before she turns you into a rabid mongrel. I will consider it a mercy at that point.”

“You speak there, of Madison and… who - ah.” Dawn girl hadn't told me of the destruction of the village surrounding the death of Madison - but she had told me of the death itself. I drew in a slow breath, and let it out. Now I could see why she had slipped with his name - and why all of them had immediately referred to him as something else. Was this then, a memory she hadn't shown me? It made sense. So. She had tortured him - past the point over and over, it seemed. I slowly stood up, rising and staring down at him.

“That is who she was made into. Driven past death’s brink over and over again, tortured into getting off on it by a psychotic demon mage. But - you speak like she regrets nothing even now? She cried over Madison’s death, tried to drink herself into oblivion to escape the pain. I had to hold her as tears made those damn gold rings shine like they never shoul-” I cut myself off. I drew in another deep breath, and let it out slowly.

“She chose this. It wasn't what we made her, I tried so hard to get her to leave the Hand. As you can see, you will not save her, she will drown you if you try,” Zero replied. He clicked the blade back locked, “She is devoted to Ulroke-dono, so long as she willingly enslaves herself to his whims, you will only get yourself killed trying.” I stared at him. He - was calming down.

“I know.” My voice was soft. “I am aware of the forces that drive her towards that dark precipice. But I also know - she's desperate not to fall off of it. She - mentioned a fallen warrior once. That she hated what she had to do to him. That she was terrified of my going to the base, because if I did, she would have to do the same to me. That she would have to break me, like she hated having to do to him. She is aware that everyone sees her as a monster now - that is why, I hold her to that humanity. So she knows that staying attached to him need not always be the case.” I sighed and turned my attention to the file, flipping them open. I paused, staring at what was before my eyes. Then I slowly, calmly, closed it. And placed the files into another inner pocket, closing my eyes tight.

This man was warning me away from her, telling me he had loved her once, and tried to help her as I was - and that all she would want to do to me was break me. Had he seen, once, this side of Dawn girl? This side that tried to keep me from visiting the house she was setting up for me - because it was nearly done and she wanted it to be a surprise? What would he think, of this side of her? I sighed and bowed my head.