He'd received word a few days prior.

The enigmatic faction simply calling itself The Bandit Brotherhood, had accepted Elthas Belthasar as a member. Elthas had history in Ruild, and that history made him an ideal member. It was the very reason that his leaders in The Syndicate, had called the meeting. Elthas was in the meeting hall with Seth Terrentius and Theo Terrentius. The meeting had been gong on for hours, it was a briefing session. Elthas listened carefully to the mission proposal, understanding what it all meant for him and his superior officers. Positioned around the long black table, Elthas sat on the opposite side of Seth and Theo, Elthas was looking at the classified documents placed before on the table. At the same time, there was a simple chalice set by his side with a juice from a local fruit Elthas enjoyed.

"So that's what we know so far." Seth said carefully and looked towards Elthas for a long moment.

"You wanted an inside man, you got one." Elthas said in response. "I'll keep tabs for you, but I'm not going to place either myself, or The Bandit Brotherhood in danger." Elthas was looking at the documents before. One name kept popping up: Yari Rafanas. A Hero from an older time of Althanas, when such things mattered. "Listen. I don't know what you're getting at here, but that guy, Yari, has not been seen in years. Why now?" Elthas rephrased the question. "Why restart The Bandit Brotherhood now?"

"That's what we're getting at, Elthas." Theo Terrentius responded. "It doesn't make sense. They are establishing a foothold right at our doorstep in Ruild." Theo smoked tobacco herb out of a wooden pipe. The smell bothered some, but it didn't bother Elthas.

Elthas's expression was one of deep thought he was reading the files. Logan, Yari, and the other leaders of The Bandit Brotherhood. "Seems they are living in the past." Elthas knew, from his studies of history, The Bandit Brotherhood had it's position center stage a long time ago. Many years ago, another lifetime ago it seemed to Elthas. "Look, if it benefits us, I will become an active member and a liaison between our two groups." Elthas was studying the file on Logan McCloud. "He's one of them psionics." Elthas frowned with visible discomfort. "He's inviting Adventurers to join his cause, but at the same time he's a fucking psionic." Elthas knew what they were from his education back home. Psionics were a group of humanoids who had an evolved brain, and were capable of tremendous works of the mind. The thought of having the leader of The Bandit Brotherhood in his head disturbed him. "How do we know he's not in with The Rangers, or The Empire?"

"Valid point." Theo said. "We don't." Theo seemed at a loss, a position that Elthas rarely saw him in. "We need you to go in and gather info for us, but get out if things get bad, understand? This isn't a death or glory mission."

Elthas knew what they wanted. What they were offer, they couldn't trust the task with just any operative. They have no idea what is going on with them and are placing me at tremendous risk...I have to be on my guard at all times. "So, let me get this straight." Elthas began. "You want me to go in, gather intel, and keep tabs on Logan McCloud."

"Watch all of his movements." Theo acknowledged. "If worse case scenario comes to pass, we'll pull the plug on Logan's plans ourselves."

"What if he really is just trying to relive the glory days?" Elthas had to wonder. What are you really after Logan McCloud? Elthas was staring at the known photographical data the powerful psionic. "He can read minds, our thoughts, our intentions. I won't be able to guard my intentions from him...how do you propose we deal with that?"

Seth smiled. "You will tell him directly from your first meeting with him your intentions. And earn his trust in that fashion." Seth continued. "My boy, this is a delicate matter. If Logan McCloud shall pose a threat to us we must be ready at all times."

It wasn't a bad plan. "So just tell him straight out I got an eye on him?" It didn't seem like such a foolhardy idea. He shook his head. "I don't like this. He can read my thoughts, what if he catches a glimpse of some of our plans?"

"We have thought of that." Theo said. "There is very little that can actively be done. But, I have thought of one thing." Theo pointed to one of the files on the table. "An act of good will." Theo said.

"Wait, that's Project: Lazarus!" Elthas sighed. "So you're saying I show up at Logan's doorstep with our guild's most carefully guarded secret in tow?" Elthas laughed.

"Elthas." Theo said. "This is now beyond us, beyond petty concerns. If we are being forced to deal with Logan McCloud, we must appear as allies." Theo continued. "This is the gamble of all gambles. I have been cleared by all The Syndicate's leaders and they back me on this. Logan may be able to give us the key ingredients we need to complete Project: Lazarus." Theo said.

"What if he doesn't go along with it?" Elthas said.

"I trust you to be that good, Elthas." Seth suddenly said. "We're not playing any sides here, we're not trying to stab Logan McCloud in the back with a bloody dagger here. Understand, this IS an act of good faith."

"It is not US that I worry about." Elthas knew the score at that point, he knew what was being asked of him. This could very well be The Syndicate's finest hour. Elthas thought to himself. "I'll do it." Elthas suddenly said.

"You are expected to begin work for The Bandit Brotherhood. We expect you to work towards becoming one of it's finest agents."

Elthas got up and out of his chair. He pushed the chair back underneath the long table. "I shall act in accordance to Syndicate law."

He turned to leave the gathering hall. "Elthas. You ride as soon as possible. Carefully read the job files provided by Logan's agents to us."

"Let them know I can start right away, and that I'm on the way to the specified location." Elthas said. "I shall remain in touch."

"Good luck, Elthas." Seth said carefully.

"I make my own luck." Elthas responded and left the main strategic stronghold of The Syndicate's chapterhouse in Ruild...he was walking towards his house on the estate's property.