You can now use GP to purchase forum perks!

Here is a list of bonuses that are currently available:

Item : Cost

User Title Perks
Custom User Title : 500 GP
Usertitle Strikethrough : 200 GP
User Title Color : 500 GP
User Title Glow : 1,000 GP

User Name Perks
Username Strikethrough : 400 GP
Change User Name : 1,000 GP
Username Color : 2,500 GP
Username Glow : 5,000 GP

Forum Enhancements
250 PM Box: 2,500 GP
Althanas Email Address: 5000 GP
Level Break - 10,000 GP
Subforum - 10,000 GP

If you would like to purchase any of these items, please post here and I will assist you.