(At long last, the big level 5. I have a basic understanding of NewROG rules, so let me know if I am doing this shit correct you guys. I'm trying to master the new system so I can teach it to newcomers and veterans alike. Thanks for understanding! This is my previous sheet: ~4~)

Updates in Bold.

~Basic Data~

Name: Elthas Belthasar

Current Title:

Current Age: 500 years of age (Appears in his late 30's)

Racial Data: Elthas is a Ruild Elf. (Forest Elf)


~Appearance Data~

Current Hair Colour: [b]Gone is Elthas's green hair. It is replaced by a platinum/silver coloured hair. Think: Sephiroth.)

Current Eye Colour: Elthas has blue eyes, they have a glow now.

Current Height: 6'3"/191 CM's

Current Weight: 200 lbs/90kg's

Job Class Data: Blade Dancer/Bard

~Personality Data~

Psychological Profile:

(~Level 0~) Elthas is a very proud of Elf. He has an exceedingly precise personality almost to the point of irritation. Elthas pays attention to detail, minor details that many would not spot. This attention to detail is borderline obsessive. An eccentric man, Elthas is a fellow of many unique tastes. Elthas is known to savor the most minute aspects of many of life's vices. Everything from fine women to fine liquor, Elthas will decipher the flavour to appreciate the craftsmanship.

Elthas has the mind of an artist. With this detailed world-view, Elthas obsessively observes everything around him. Very rarely do details escape his sharp mind and his sharper eyes. Elthas will point out things that he finds out of place from tacky clothing to that strange piece of evidence overlooked by locale law enforcement. This personality quirk has made Elthas appear rude and inconsiderate to his peers. Elthas does not care.

He specializes in taking "dirty jobs." Instead of assisting the current Empirical regime that lurks in Corone, Elthas oft works for an organization known as The Syndicate. Elthas considers himself a "professional cleaner" and specializes in cleaning up the messes made by others. Elthas lives a life that is a gray one, neither black nor white. Elthas doesn't consider anything that he does to be purely evil, but rather necessary in the grand scheme of things.

Elthas has the obsessive qualities of an artist. In his spare time he paints and draws. Elthas has acquired some skill as an artist. His attention to detail has allowed him to master art quickly. In his community he has earned a positive reputation as a painter of some skill. Elthas uses all of his talents to chase targets that would be elusive or tricky to most. Elthas lives for the thrill of the chase, and the heart of the hunt.

Level 1 (Changes/Psychological Profile)-After a number of tragic experiences in his recent life, Elthas has become more set in his ways. As a professional Bounty Hunter, Elthas has developed his own code of conduct that he adheres to at all times. Though a villain, Elthas is not cold blooded and merciless. His profession dictates he must capture targets alive to receive a full compensation for a hunt, and that has placed a firm, but dangerous belief in Elthas's heart. Elthas will not kill. Ever. Even if his life depends on the matter, he has developed an almost psychological obsession with the idea of not killing other people. It doesn't matter the race. He simply does not kill. He'd rather just knock someone out.

Elthas had developed a profound connection with Hylda Terrentius (NPC) and has taken her has his mate. Elthas would die to protect her and considers her the most valuable person in his life. He often paints portraits of her in his spare time.

Level 3 (Changes/Psychological Profile)-All was seemingly lost. After joining The Trading Company as a full time member, Elthas has severed all ties with The Syndicate. Cutting him off, Elthas was now an exiled member. Attempting to salvage his relationship with Hylda Terrentius, Hylda back stabbed Elthas as well. Elthas admitted defeat and simply packed things up with The Syndicate. He was stripped of his former title and privileges as a Syndicate officer. Now, Elthas has developed a cold edge about himself. He keeps to himself and has started to take on many Trading Company duties. He has earned the title of a Quest Monitor, and helps hire on new recruits to The Trading Company. Further, Elthas has learned some new crafts besides those of an artist. Elthas retains his no-killing policy.

Level 4: (Changes/Psychological Profile) Having become an Officer for The Trading Company, Elthas had found the purpose and honour he longed for. Elthas now works hard as an Officer of The Trading Company. He deals with new recruits to that organization. Elthas works closely with his boss, Investisto. Elthas recently had a failed endeavor in The Althanas Leagues that really took a tremendous effect on him. Elthas had to admit weakness, and for a blossoming adventurer, that was a huge set backs. Set backs cost times and resources, and Elthas learned to bounce back from his utter defeats in The Althanas Leagues. Elthas knew he needed to grow stronger, and so, became obsessed with that idea. He disciplined himself to once again become a workaholic, and help The Trading Company grow. During the process he somehow found the drive and determination he was lacking all along...

Level 5: Elthas has made many painful choices in recent moons. He disbanded The Trading Company after it became inactive. He hunted down and killed the Master Elf named Xu Bellaparte. Xu Bellaparte was responsible for Elthas's initial undoing with the loss of Hylda Terrentius. The loss of Hylda Terrentius, hundreds of years later, STILL affects Elthas Belthasar to this day. He has never made peace with the loss, or has attempted to move on. During a recent event (Still waiting for this thread to get concluded) Elthas lost an arm. And the ordeal he faced at the time broke the gentle Hero he once was. Now a broken man, Elthas has developed a harsh outlook on life. He has returned to the township he grew up in, and is attempting to repair the damage that Xu Bellaparte caused him and his people. Elthas is also working to repair the broken relationship between himself and his brother, Drathis Belthasar. As a community, they must repair the now corrupted Great Tree. The Great Tree is important to the tribe of Elves that Elthas belongs to.

Vice: Lust

Virtue: Justice

Alignment: (~LG~) Lawful Good

~Historical Data~

Current History Information: (Gonna try to keep this one short)

Elthas took his revenge.

After a terrible confrontation with the Master Elf named Xu Bellaparte, Elthas killed Xu and his cohorts. The followers of Xu Bellaparte scattered into the wind, and the town Elthas group up in was left in a state of shambles. The survivors of the battle strangely decided to rally around Elthas's cause. Elthas, the son of the Elven Hero named Halm Belthasar, had returned him. Elthas has discovered that Xu Bellaparte corrupted the once magnificent Great Tree of his tribe, and his people are working to repair the long-term damage. But a startling realization has been discovered: The Great Tree was dying. Elthas now desperately searches for a way to repair the damage done to The Great Tree. Elthas uses his natural leadership capacity to lead his people to a new era of peace and prosperity.

Further, Elthas has recently faced a trial that cost him one of his arms.

During that trial Elthas was nearly killed and it was later discovered that he potentially caused the injuries he suffered to himself.

Elthas is convinced that he fought the warrior Storm Veritas, but was that what truly happened?

Questioning his sanity, the remaining members of The Trading Company exiled Elthas and banished him back to his ancestral home.

~Ability Tree~

(Note: I am adding stats this time and reworking my abilities so they fit the NewROG Rules)

(I am using Stats from here on in. Stats work from level 1 (Starting point to level 10 Max)

Strength: ~1~
Endurance: ~1~
Dexterity: ~2~
Reaction Time: ~2~
Intellect: ~1~
Wisdom: ~1~
Charisma: ~2~
Luck: ~1~

1~School of Elven Genetics.

~Elven Dexterity:

Level 4: (Rank 4) ~Elven reflexes and speed. (Fleet Footed) Elthas now has ~SKILLED~ Reflexes and Speed. He has acquired 3.0x's the reflex capacity and speed of an ABOVE AVERAGE Althanian Human. Elthas is capable of reacting TO movements and actions immediately done on him. Furthermore, he is has quick hands and can maneuver items skillfully with both hands. With his reaction time, Elthas seems to move as a blur now once he is reacting to something. Can be applied to his counter striking stance. On land, Elthas can run effectively at 50 M.P.H.'s. Further, Elthas can now SWIM at an impressive 20 M.P.H.'s before he gets winded.

Level 5: (Rank 5) Elthas's reaction time is now at a base 4.5x's that of the average Althanian Human. Elthas is capable of reacting with precision, almost as if he is dancing during combat. He is very light on his feet and capable of reacting to -most- normal attack attempts that would require reaction. Elthas naturally -moves as a blur to the naked/untrained eye. Further, due to his recent acquisition of power, Elthas can now temporarily move in a -fast shifting state.- This state is like a blink or teleportation state. He can move in this state roughly 3x's a Day, or per thread. The teleport style movement is in short bursts of distances, usually up to about 10 yards at a time. Once the 3 bursts are used up, he has to wait until the next day to use it again. He can fast shift other players and npc with him if they give him permission, but this takes effort. Elthas's base movement/running speed of 50 M.P.H.'s on land has not increased.

~Elven Heightened Senses:

Level 4: (Rank 4) ~Elven Senses. (Acuteness/Accuracy) Elthas now has ~ABOVE AVERAGE~ Senses. He has a dedicated senses sphere of about ten feet immediately around him, then outside of the sphere takes considerable concentration for Elthas to detect things. He doesn't have any supernatural senses, but he has acute senses. Sharp hearing, keen sense of smell, etc.

Level 5: No change for this ability set.

2~School of Bard Arts.

Level 4: ~(Bard) (Rank 1) Horn of Inspiration. (New. Note I am attempting to get this new ability all together in exchange for the stuff I am taking out of my character. This will play into Elthas's evolution as a Bard.) Elthas has recently acquired the desire to develop his musical ability. After a brief but sweet encounter with the Orc named Otto, Elthas thought to pursue the arts of his people. Spell Singing. With his horn, Elven quality of make but with basic tier 1 materials for the horn, Elthas can use the musical capacity to Inspire others. Within a party of adventurers, Elthas can blow his horn for a turn or two. Within the duration of the turn period, Elthas will Inspire the people around him to continue to battle. It can temporarily ease suffering, and temporarily ease the effects of fatigue. (Think: Horn of Gondor/LOTR) The effect is still weak and only will last for approximately a turn or two, but it is effective as a Support Buff. Elthas cannot take any other actions while he is using the horn. (Buffing/Support Move)

Level 5: No Change.

Level 4: ~(Bard) (Rank 1) ~(Bard) Song of Power. (New) Developing his singing skills, Elthas can now sing with the skill of a Soprano. Having developed his artistic/singing abilities over the course of many years Elthas has achieved one song of power so far. He has acquired ~BASIC~ skill with the use and application of the song. Once Elthas sings, he has to focus on his power on the song, he cannot take his concentration off the target of his song's effect. Once Elthas sings, the target is imbued with song power. In this fashion, Elthas may affect one friendly target at a time. When Elthas successfully sings, he can reinforce ONE positive effect of the target. For example, if the target has Super Strength, the song will boost the character's strength up to 2.5x's their normal capacity. The effect would be the same as an adrenal rush and is very temporary lasting only one or two turns, tops. Currently, the effects are seemingly random, but if Elthas focuses, he can boost up a specific power of his target. He can currently only sing to boost up ONE target at a time.

Level 5: No Change.

3~School of Combat Arts. (Note: Elthas lost an arm and I am rping him with this handicap from now on.)

Combat Stances Level 5: (Rank 1) (New!!!) Now Elthas has obtained further command of his combat stances. Instead of acquiring new Stances, he has learned to control the current stances in his arsenal. Instead of swapping out the effects of each stance, Elthas can now maintain the effects of a single stance. Whilst this is not INDEFINITE, he can keep one stance active for the remainder of the battle instead of having to swap out. He can also swap out stances at will as the situation calls for it. The effects of a stance are active so long as the stance is active. Swapping stances gives the new stance's effects a moment or two to activate. (Usually 1-3 posting turns THEN it is fully active.) The buffs of the stances now last for as long as the stance is active.

~Fighting Style: (Level 1) Knife Expert. Elthas is now Skilled with dual wielding knives in combat, and furthermore, is Skilled in the use of throwing his knives.

(Level 3) Knife Expert. Elthas is now HIGHLY SKILLED with the use and maintenance of combat daggers. Further, he can now effectively string together attacks in the form of slashes and swipes. In this fashion, he can string together effectively 2-3 basic slash attacks. If an entire combo connects, it can form up to MODERATE damage. Combos require timing to execute in this fashion.

(New! Level 4) Knife Expert. Elthas is now An ~EXPERT~ with the use and maintenance of combat daggers.

Level 5: (Rank 5) [b]Elthas has become even more skilled with the use and maintenance of combat daggers. Elthas is now capable of stringing together complex attack patterns in a single attack. He can continiously slash at the target before the target ever knew what hit them. Further, because of his missing limb, Elthas now has had to compensate and fights with one weapon. He has learned to wield heavier swords in his arsenal and can fight with arm using either dagger or broadsword. He cannot currently one-hand wield stuff like heavy swords or great swords. If Elthas currently connects a full combo together it can cause HEAVY damage.

Level 4: (Rank 1)New-(Skilled Stance) Piercing Talons. Elthas can effectively execute a skilled Knife user's stance. This stance, called Piercing Talons, is a basic addition to Elthas's combat style. He can basically raise his own natural stamina and ability to take incoming attacks with this stance. Further, he can move with an increase skill of grace and natural agility. With this stance activated, (Stackable ONE TIME PER USE) Elthas receives some bonuses. Endurance is increased by 1.5x's. Agility is increased by 2.0x's. This effect augments Elthas's natural agility. The increase lasts for approximately one IC minute. Once the stance has been used, Elthas has to wait a cool down period of two minutes IC to use again.

Level 5: No Change to this Stance.

Level 4: (Rank 1) New~Scorpion Sting Stance. Elthas can effectively execute a skilled Knife user's stance. This stance, called Scorpion Sting, is an addition to Elthas's combat style. The stance itself does not raise ANY of Elthas's stats, BUT, the trade off is important. In this stance, Elthas has the concentration of a deadly scorpion, his counter striking capacity increases two-fold. With his knowledge of combat styles increasing, Elthas can use this combat stance to effectively counter most physical attacks. The attacks MUST be physical. He cannot currently counter magical effects in this stance. Note, even in this stance, a potent counter attack would still be an attempt. It is always up to an opponent to take any hit or not, and this stance does NOT guarantee a hit. It only activates a counter attack that any opponent could then counter/counter or evade or whatever. It would be totally up to Elthas's opponent to accept the counter strike. Elthas cannot counter physical attacks of opponents in a considerably higher skill bracket in this fashion.

Level 5: No Change to this stance.

Note: Only one stance may be active at one time.

~Skill Tree~

Level 4: *(Aesthetic Skill)Artist/Poet/Linguistics: Due to Elthas's high intellect, Elthas had acquired a taste for the finer things in life. Elthas is a Professional Artist who is an Expert with both painting and sculpted forms. Elthas uses arts in the tradition of Coronian Elves. Elthas is very intelligent, and quickly learns things. He has obtained a silver-tongue and has learned the arts of poetry and linguistics. Of these, Elthas is an Expert in the tongues of Men, Elves, Corone Dwarves, and many other languages. (No Changes from level 0.)

Level 5: (Rank 5) Elthas has 5.5x's the Intellect of the average Human. He uses this vast intelligence to sculpt many pieces of artwork, many times in the image of his fallen beloved, Hylda Terrentius. His art is popular in Radasanth art museums. He makes a decent living crafting various sculptures and paintings in the traditional Elven style. He is also a fair poet, and accomplished singer. Elthas knows most of the native languages of Corone itself and can affluently speak with most of her natives.

Level 4: (Rank 2) Gathering & Crafting. Elthas can gather basic materials from the wild. He can easily mine ore, hunt for leather, and cut wood for lumber as needed. Further he has rudimentary knowledge necessary to work the materials he gathers. He can use these materials in BASIC Blacksmithing, Cooking, and Alchemy skills and any other crafting skill necessary to make ends meet. Elthas is a hard worker. Further, Elthas is now a MASTER Artist. With some effort, he can Sculpt and paint things with the best of them. Some of Elthas's paintings and sculptures are famous in Art Galleries all over Radasanth.

Level 5: (Rank 3) Elthas can now gather most nodes from the world that he comes across. He has learned a great deal about the bounties of the wild lands from his time spent in The Trading Company. He can process items he gathers himself through blacksmithing, cooking or alchemical arts. Elthas is a hard worker.


Level 4:

~Mother's Locket

~Steel longsword.

~Steel Masterwork Daggers. (2 I forgot to list this in my last update)

~Gauntlets of Iron and Leather make.

~Small Music Box style item made by Otto.

Level 5:

~Dagger Upgrades~ (This is Elthas's new set of daggers. They are enchanted and upgraded to Delyn.)