(Moderator Note: Am using: ~Level 5~ for this battle and pre-Elthas Wraith thingy yeah. Thanks for understanding. Closed to Black Shadow. One slight edit: I'm having Elthas using both arms for this battle hope that's okay.)

The Forest of Ruild (Concordia) was an expanse of various pine and spruce trees.

Some oaks were present as well.

Most of Ruild was explored by that epoch of Althanas's expanding history.

However, there were portions of Ruild that were still uncharted.

It was that section of Ruild, the shadowy depths of it, where Elthas currently found himself.

He wasn't sure what drew him to that place of power...only that something had.

He had a camp erected that was the only tell-tale sign he was there.

The camp was simple really, a crafted fire pit, with logs feeding a camp fire.

There was a cooking spittle that was turning a dead boar, or some other similar wild beast.

The meat was well cooked and would smell delicious to those of the population who fancied themselves carnivores.

Several cooking utensils and other such pottery and tools were present as well.

Elthas was clearly a civilized man who knew the luxuries of civilization and used it's tools to his advantage.

He'd been in the wild lands for several days now.

It was turning into early evening that night in question.

Elthas stood atop the old ruins. The ancient Elves of the time period presumably built it, there were Elvish Hieroglyphs present all over the stone monument. There were also old Elvish statues and totems present. Those were statues of the old pagan deities that the Elves of that time period worshiped. A religion unique to the Elves of Ruild. It was one of the many precursors to The Thayne codex religion. Elthas was a learned man, and was visiting the depths of Ruild to study it's secrets and learn the history of his folks. He was completely and utterly alone, save for the creatures of Ruild's depths.

Elthas was studying a totem of particular interest to him.

It was a depiction of a Lesser Thayne referred to by the old scholars simply as Cool.

Elthas studied the depiction, memorizing the information that was present on the statue itself.

There were glyphs and runes all over the monument statue, and several other Lesser Thaynes depicted near the structure itself. Elthas guessed that the structure was well over a thousand years old. As Elthas studied the statue of Cool, he carefully memorized the visage. The old ruins were a structure created by the Elves of a thousand years ago. There were secrets, information, and power for him there.

Elthas smoked the cannibus herb from an elegant smoking pipe.

It had a mahogany tincture to it.

Embers from the tip of the smoking pipe produced a strong, but very sweet, smelling smoke.

The smoking pipe was tilted at a slight angle.

Elthas stood in a relaxed posture, his shirt completely off.

He was half-naked, but he was certain that would not bother any potential opponent that would arrive.

His pants were simple gentleman's slacks, dark grey in colour.

They were somewhat baggy.

He wore a fancy utility belt, and the buckle had the markings of a fancy B on it.

The b was the Elvish rune for Belthasar in the modern syntax of the clan's name.

It was his family's signet.

Elthas was very defined physically, and his muscles bulged with his movement.

He was not like the traditional Elves of Althanas lore.

His long and pointy ears were ever present, and he had a long mane of silver coloured hair.

The nocturnal breeze carried his hair and swirled gently with the breeze.

Elthas was not certain why he was drawn to the statue of Cool.

He had once forsaken the Thaynehood of his people, but his life had come back around and he'd slowly grown back to accepting the destiny that was placed before him.

He knew the names of the Thayne now, at least the more prominent ones and some of the lesser Thaynes.

Cool had always fascinated him.

Elthas studied the statue of Cool, considering his current place very carefully. His eyes were narrowed as he studied the glyphs and symbols, committing everything to his memory. As he stood there, he considered the situation at hand. He stood where the forefathers of his enigmatic tribe once stood. A long time ago, Elthas had made a choice and had forsaken the old ways. In order to honour the old alliances between Men and Elves. Elthas once saved a man named Seth Terrentius, and his life had changed as a result. He'd never regretted that choice. That choice was what brought him back to face his past. As he studied the statue of Cool, he found himself reflecting on his life. He wasn't sure why at the time, but the past haunted him and made him cling to his current present. And as a indirect result, his future.

Funny...what had happened to the gentle artist that once was a member of The Trading Company?

What had happened to the original days of dreaming of a brighter tomorrow?

As Elthas pondered those matters...

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